Rape (3.)

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I was walking down the hallway, stopping now and then to look at some old pictures from the dinosaur age (what i liked to call the time where pictures where in black and white). I saw the classic Marilyn Monroe. She was so sexy; Her body not too thick , not too thin. Why cant we have more women like her, not stick figures that are so skinny, you can count their bones one by one!? I also spotted a Beatles poster, oh how i wish i could grow up during the British Invasion! George Harrison was always my favorite, always the most shy. There's just something about shy yet sharp, awkward men that i enjoy.

AHHH. I feel wet! Shit, am i peeing myself or am i just on my period? I cant wait any longer to find out, i need to get to that bathroom fast! Now which way did he say to go? I think two lefts right?

As i walked down the hallways, the screaming girls' voices from the auditorium were diminishing, until it got to the point where it was so quiet, i could hear a pin drop. This just doesn't feel right...Why would the bathrooms be so far away, so secluded. Then i just realized, the bathrooms weren't the only things that were secluded: I was too. I know there's something wrong going on here, but what if the bathrooms really are this way? Should i continue forward or turn back? I mean i have already gone this far...might as well finish the way, right?

Time to take another left. The further i walked down this hallway, the eerier it smelled. It was no longer cheerful, like the previous hallways with vibrant colors of green and white, decorated with signed posters/pictures of actual celebrities. Now the walls are grey, the floor is concrete, and even the concrete was cracked. When i walked a couple steps more, i could see the pipes in the walls. Okay, it's definitely time to turn back. But as i turn around, i hear whistling and boots stomping.

"I cant get caught here!" I thought to myself. " Surely they'll kick me out before i get to see the concert! And three years worth of savings will be wasted!" I decided to hide behind a nearby garbage can. Whatever made me think that hiding there was a good idea was incorrect.

"Hey, lady! What you doin' here?" A bulky African-American guy said with a light New York accent.

"I, um, I'm sorry. I was told to come here and uh, never mind. I'll just leave now, please don't kick me out! I saved money for three years to come see my favorite band play."

As soon as i mentioned i was sent to come here, he lightened up and smiled at me. He welcomed me with bright eyes and a warm embrace. What a friendly man! Probably a father because he was around the age of forty, so i let him hug me. There's nothing wrong with showing love to thy neighbor. I started to pull away from the hug, but he just wouldn't let go. I pushed and push, but couldn't set myself free from his dirty, greasy hands!

"Where ya goin' lady? That no way to treat yo friend." His grin stretched from ear to ear, and i could see all three of his gold teeth, all in the back bottom-left molars. Without letting me go from his sweaty grip, he asked me, "Now lady, ya told me somebody sent ya here. Is that right?" He cocked his head. What the fuck is going on here?! He looked down my shirt and smiled. Who does he think he is? I am NOT a prostitute!

"Just come with me." he says as he locks me into a bear lock. Ha! I took self-defense all through freshman year. I can definitely get out of this, i just have to catch him off guard...

NOW is the time! He is loosening his grip; he thinks he doesn't have to try so hard because I'm a girl! Well thatt's not me! (Did you see what i did there ;) incorporating lyrics). I kick my leg back into his special area and he falls to the floor in pain. What a commotion, i hope it doesn't attract anymore sick men.

"Hello, hello, hello." I  hear a voice bellow. I spoke too soon. incorrectly. "Well it looks like we meet again, my little brunette friend." I ran. No i SPRINTED. I didn't even look back,i didn't check to see who it was, and i didn't want to know. I'm sick of this bullshit and i just want to go back to Meghan.

"Ah shit" i said aloud. I felt something trickle in between my legs. I actually did need to go to the bathroom and i cant hold it in much longer. Just then i ran into somebody familiar: the security guard.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're here" i began panting. "I think you directed me to the wrong place by accident. This man made me feel uncomfortable and plus-"

"-It was no accident" he interrupted me. St first i looked at him puzzled, but as soon as he slammed me into a small employees only room. Well at least i knew now where the bathrooms are.

I fell on the floor and he landed on top of me. I could feel him unbutton my black ripped skinny jeans. I cried and cried. This isn't how i wanted to lose my innocence. He kissed my neck and traveled to my chest, then lower, then lower..He found what he wanted. After i was fully disrobed, i heard two male voices outside the door. They were young, but it was too hard to decipher with all that was going on. I ope they didn't have the cops! They would think i was a bad kid and they would all my father! My poor father wont be able to handle this! His poor heart will take out the belt and take out his sadness on me. But i would deserve it. What child is found naked with another boy at practically an all girls audience.o

When I reached for the door he shot me twice in the thigh. At first i felt t]nothing, then the pain spread to all of my leg, followed by numbness. Everything in sight was tainted black, grey or white. I guess i know what it's like in a dog's perspective.

I know i heard fighting and it all ended too soon. I couldn't see anymore at all! Something touched me and tried to grab me. It's him the man who did this to me! I knew he wasn't defeated! I pulled back from him and fumbled with putting on my clothes. i would cry, but i would let this sick man get the satisfaction of winning, so instead i held back my tears.

I could no longer see, no longer feel anything waist down, and all i heard was ringing (probably from the gun shots). I'm screwed. Just end it now, and as i shut my eyes, i began to feel myself drift away to another world.


Thanks again for reading guys! Comment if you guys perfer long chapters like these or like the shorter previous ones. If you liked this chapter, please remember to vote. :) Can i have 15 reads to post the next chapter?

Made for Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now