We Met 2.

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"Eh mate! Why'd we stop!" Complained Irwin.

"Ha. maybe he heard his mother call." snickered Luke.

"Shuttup" I hissed.

Calum's eyes widened, and he didn't speak. I'm sure he was hearing exactly what i was hearing. Moaning. Screams.

"Calum..." i began. He just nodded his head at me. He knew what was going on too, and Calum, always the tender one, was ready to cry, but not as in sadness, but in anger. His sister was raped two years ago, and suffered permanant trauma. He's promised to get his revenge; i guess he's found it now.

I snapped back into reality. Luke just cracked up the lamest 'your mom' punt, and Ashton, not surprisingly, let out his girlish squeal.

"Guy! Be quiet! Listen! Do you hear that?!" I will never forget the noises i hear: "Uh...Stay still..Bitch.." and the poor girl's screams of horror. "Pleeee-he-he-he-he-he-hease". The boys were furious, but the instant we heard the man cackle a sickening laugh, we all stood up (Calum the first to react).

We heard banging two hallways down, almost as if someone was being thrust against a door. "AHHHHH" the girlish shriek made us all split up in time to find the girl. It was Ashton and me, and luke and calum. Again we heard the bloodcurdling shrills, so high, i was certain my ears were ringing afterwards. We heard the moaning now louder than ever, until we stopped behind the door. If only we had our phones, we would text Luke and Calum to come over. I guess we'd just have to do it ourselves. Ashton started to make a plan.


"JESUS CHRIST." I mumbled. I pushed past the door, not caring that this man had a gun and was non hesitant to shoot a fellow being.

He was huddled on top of a very attractive girl, both nude. I grabbed his shirt and punched him twice in the nose, and once on the jaw. Man was his face messed up. Just then, Calum ran into the room and started kicking the man with all his might. It took Ashton, Luke and me to get him  our now ex-security gaurd. He spat on the rapist when done. Luke left to go get help.

We found her in the corner of the stall. Fumbling with her clothes, trying to put them on. I know she was trying her best to hold in the tears. Ashton stretched out his hand to her, but she couldn'tget up. She was shot in the thigh twice! She was bleeding out, and fell unconscious. She was carried bridal style by Irwin to our room, to wait for the paramedics, and dammit. I think we missed our concert.


Sorry thsi chapter sucks so much guys and I'm sorry for the late update :P). Can you get this chapter to 10 reads please and can anyone make me a cover pic :)? Thanks for reading!

Made for Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now