06 | Sophie | January 1st

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Sophie had many goals in life but jacking a dealership car was not among them! How had she not been pulled over in the last three hours? Stealing didn't sit well in her gut, despite Keith's reassurances that they were just 'borrowing'. It was not only immorally wrong but if they were caught, Sophie's future could be down the drain with criminal charges on her record. Couldn't you go to jail for up to a year for grand theft auto? Sophie groaned aloud, not liking those odds. Though, a small part of her still felt the thrill of doing something reckless for once.

"Act normal and no one will notice," Sophie whispered to herself, glancing over to Bia- wait no, Keith, who was still dead asleep. She hadn't slept in quite a while and the affects of that were starting to weigh on her. They'd need to stop at some point if they didn't make it to LA in the next hour so Sophie didn't kill them in a crash.

Glancing over to Keith in Biana's body, curled up in the seat, she wondered what he looked like. Biana, like Fitz, had starling teal eyes, wavy brown hair, and an accent. The siblings physical features were like that of model's. Even the clothes on Biana's back screamed extreme beauty and wealth. Was Keith like that; a supermodel in his own body? Or was he just like her, normal? More importantly, who was he and what was his connection with Fitz? She didn't buy just childhood friends. He knew Everglenn inside out, knew the family, so clearly there was a deeper connection. Maybe he was rich.

Not that it mattered. As long as this stranger didn't try to murder her, she was fine with finding out was wrong and getting rid of him as soon as possible. Even if he was her soulmate, something still felt off about him. He was definitely lying about who he was, but they had a job to get done and worrying about who each other were wasn't a main concern.

Sophie stepped on the breaks gently as the car rolled to a stop in front of a red light. Sophie slumped back and rubbed her eyes, trying to keep herself awake. She picked up her phone and quickly messaged Dex, wanting to keep him in the loop.

Found my soulmate, was still in the county.

Not even ten seconds later her phone buzzed.

Srsly? Well who r they, do they know what's going on?

Sophie had to laugh at that. She wished someone knew what was going on. She glanced up to the light, making sure it was still red and responded.

No but get this, he's in the wrong body. Even crazier is he's
in Fitz's little sister's body and has some connection with them.

Since when did Wonderboy have a sister? Screw it, got any new info?
What's your plan?

Idk, going to LA to the MMSR to try and get some help. I'm starting to feel
sick and it may have to do with it. Everything doesn't make sense but
if police come knocking on my door or your's tell them I'm in Europe.

Wait y? What did u do?

Sophie tossed her phone back into the console, unable to answer her best friend's concerned text as the light turned green. She flicked on her turn signal and focused her eyes straight ahead, switching to a different topic to keep herself awake.

What were those noises she had heard back at Everglenn? It had almost sounded like there was someone else in the house but Keith seemed unaware to anyone else there. Did he hear the noises? No, it must have just been her imagination and it was why she wasn't going to tell her companion. She didn't want to alarm him of anything stupid. The shuffling might have just been from outside but no matter how much Sophie tried to convince herself of that, a shiver ran down her spine. She was missing something.

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