Bonus | Biana | The Switch

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All Biana Vacker had wanted to do was live her Hallmark love story, find her soulmate, and do some shopping.

Biana had been on many aspects of transportation in her life and flying through limbo reminded her of a Leapmaster Subway. She'd been sixteen when her father had taken both her and Fitz to the newly developing, state of the art, subway. The project had been shut down right after that trip though when the Council had deemed it unsafe. An "illegal technology" label had been slapped on it like everything else the Capitol wanted to horde for itself and that'd been the end of it.

The brunette had heard rumors though that the blueprints to make one had been stolen by the Neverseen but Biana didn't believe it. Even as the daughter of one of the biggest billionaires in the world, she wasn't fed Capitol lies so easily.

Strips of color rushed by Biana's vision, stinging her consciousness as it flew through a labyrinth of cognitive paths. Acceleration picked up until the Vacker's mind was spit out into a pool of inky darkness. It felt cold. Empty. Biana couldn't scream, couldn't even think clearly. And then a second after, like a Leapmaster picking up speed, she launched into consciousness.

"Gah!" the young woman gasped, her breath ragged as she sat up in bed abruptly. Her hands immediately clawed their way to her chest and after confirming her heart was still beating, the girl settled down.

Limbo kinda sucked.

Waves of nausea rolled over in Biana's stomach and threatened to spill out of her mouth but she held her dinner down. Actually, she was hungry rather than striving to keep food down. The person's body she was in must have not eaten anything. Rubbing the ache in her head, Biana let out a sigh.

Something didn't feel right and she was pretty sure it wasn't the lack of food. Every sense had red alarms blaring like in the movies and it set the brunette on edge. Something was wrong.

"I just need food," Biana mumbled, stretching her limbs and sliding off of the large bed. Only then did she take in her surroundings. The king sized bed was pushed up against a windowed wall and in front of her a large plasma TV was mounted to the wall. As her eyes strayed across the grandiose - and clearly expensive room that reminded her of her own - Biana's teal eyes connected with the full body mirror angled at her.

Ice blue eyes, ruffled blond hair, and a light face with the hint of a smirk stared back.

This couldn't be right. Not him, anyone but him!

But no matter how much Biana blinked to get rid of Keefe Sencen's reflection, it only stared back with an aura of bravado. Fear seized her chest because in her gut she knew this wasn't right. This had to be the most uncomfortable and wrong she'd ever felt. Her head knew it was wrong and so did her body and that only tightened the knot in her stomach.

Why did it all feel awful though? Wasn't the feeling of connecting with your... soulmate, supposed to feel completing? But this felt like anything but. Unless... no that couldn't be possible. Could it?

Leather and sweaters weren't supposed to be possibly fashionable either though and yet Biana had rocked that look last winter.

But questioning the complexity and authority of the biggest government in the world wasn't the same as a bold fashion statement. Biana had been raised closer to the Capitol than most had in her eighteen years of living. Sure she hadn't been as easily brainwashed into everything like Fitz but that didn't mean she went around telling Capitol conspiracies or even thinking them. If you began to think of them - even once - it would start you down the wrong path.

It had Alvar.

The brunette had never had reason in the past to question the Capitol anyway - why would the girl with everything do that? But she'd also never felt such... ickiness before though. It raised the question of whether or not this was all one big mistake. If maybe... just maybe she was in the wrong body.

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