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I was feeding Winnie when Tucker opend the front door quilty. He had bags from Meijer. I gave him a weird look. I got you groceries, he said putting bags of God only knows what on the counter.

He went back down the stairs. Me being as confused as ever I palced Winnie down.

I walked up to my counter. Easy fruit to mush, milk, and microwaves dinners. When he came back with his keys in hand. "I may or may not have looked at your shopping list", he said giving a sheepish smile. "I'm perfectly capable of shopping for myself", I said with my hands on my hips.

Tucker just shrugged his shoulders. My phone started buzzing. I grabbed it. On the screen was the name Kinley. "It's my boss", I said going to the couch.

I plopped down and pressed the answer button. "Hello" I said sweetly.
"Parker we need you to come back, like in a week or two", Kinley said. She sounded worried.

"Ohhh.... Ummmm....... Ok", I said trying to sound as calm as possible. "Great ill see you then", she said and hung up.

I grabbed a pillow and squashed it over my face. "What was that about?" I heard Tucker ask. "I have to go back to work in a week or two", I told him

"I'm sorry Park's", he said. I have him a sympathetic smile. I pulled out my phone in search for a good babysitter.

"Watcha doin", Tucker asked sitting next to my with Winnie in his arm. I showed him my phone. He gave a confused look. "Babysitters for Winnie", i said.

"I could watch the little Peach for ya", he said. "Oh no I couldnt ask you to do that", I said. "Besides you have work", I said. "I work on a farm almost all day Parks" he said.

I nodded in agreement. I love the way that Tucker is always looking out for me, and Winnie.

"Ohh fine your hired", I told him with a smile. He smiled.

We spent a while of talking, then he had to leave to go feed his animals for the night. I watched him place Winnie in her crib softly.

Again my heart flutters. I wish it would stop. He walked out of her room quietly. He left just like that. Specs of dirt still lay where his boots where.

I heated up a pack of homemade mac and cheese tv dinner. I gave Winnie a warm bottle. As she finished I put my over my shoulder and patted her back.

After I burped her. I sat her down next to me while I ate the cheesy goodness. After a while I put Winnie in her crib, then I went to bed.

¤ (¯´☆✭.¸_)¤

A picture of Tucker is at the top

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