CHAPTER 1 |Unexpected|

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Angela's POV

Rubbing my eyes while waking up, I slammed my alarm shut. I got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. In order to remove the sleepiness of my eyes, I stripped from my pajama and hopped in the shower. It feels so nice to wash under the warm, almost hot water. I like mornings just because of this. 

I wrapped the towel around me and put on some lotion on my legs. When finishing my makeup looks that consists of a cream and cherry lipstick, I got dressed. Looking at my nightstand clock, I completely forgot about time. And I was going to be late if I didn't start rushing. I took my bag and rushed out of my small apartment. 

Running down the street towards bus station, I'm sure many people and neighbours thought about me as crazy. They probably asked themselves why is this girl running in 7:30 in the morning. But most of them got used to see me running in the morning and it's a good exercise for warming up. Just when I arrived at the bus station, there was a pile of people entering. That was so close or I would be late.

I was getting some air to calm down after finding a seat. Looking at the streets that was passing by I thought about my life. Why is my life miserable like this? I have been working in that company for years and never did I got some promotion. I have been trying so hard to improve myself in boss's eyes. But she is pure evil to her employees. Especially, to the ones who don't have good financial state, like me.

But I have been dealing with it just because I know I won't find any good job and it's hard to find one afterall. But I'm mentally tired, even exhausted I could say. But I can endure it. I endured everything till now and I certainly won't give up. Coming to the stop, I got up and exited the bus. Walking some more down the street, I came at the company. 

Going inside I was met with my best friend at the reception. She was just finishing a phone call and smiled at me, pointing to come over there. She for sure heard some rumor and she wanted to tell me. No matter how many times I told her that I'm not interested, it didn't work.

"Good morning, my beautiful sunshine." She grinned.

"Good morning, Helen. What's with the grin?" I asked. 

"I have some news that will make you very happy." She beamed and leaned down to my ear. "I heard that there will be someone's promotion today." I widened my eyes at her words and covered my mouth with my hand to silence the gasp.

"Are you sure? How did you find out?" I asked shockingly.

"Her secretary told me. Apparently, she has someone on her mind." She squealed. That could be me. I have been working here since the beginning and it could really do me good if I get promoted. 

"I hope it's you. You truly deserve it." She smiled amd hugged me quickly.

"Thank you. We better get back to work." I chuckled. Departing from Helen, I went with elevator to the first floor. I was lucky to have a friend like Helen. She got here two years after me when she applied to work as a receptionist. Her beauty was uncomparable to anyone. Her skin was like a cocoa and her dark brown eyes were mesmerizing. While I was just...pale and thin.

I was working as the accountant in this company. My work consisted of sitting for hours and fixing papers about incomes and outcomes. It seems easy, but actually when you are hardworking it gets tiring. You want to the your job correctly and it takes an effort to actually do that. By the end of my shift, I barely drag myself towards the bus station.

Sitting down on my chair, I took a pile of files that were put on my desk. This all had to be arranged and sent to the right institutions. One mistake and the boss is doomed. But nothing ever happened to me and I believe it won't.


I got up from the chair just when it was a lunch break. My brain and body needed a little bit of a rest.
''Angela, boss called everyone down in the hallway.'' One of my colleagues said to me as I rushed. Don't tell me she will announce the promtion now. God, please let it be me.

We arrived down with the elevator to see all employees.
''Probably some of you heard that today is one of you getting promotion. And after a long thinking, the new accounting manager will be...'' She paused looking over the crowd before looking at me. That made my heart thump faster, but just when she looked at me, she turned her head in a different way and smiled.

''Melanie Winston.'' She cheered making my smile fall. Did I heard that right? Melanie squealed and hugged the boss. The crowd was clapping and they were actually happy. I felt a hand rub my back and turned to see it was Helen.

''Melanie has been working hard for this past three years and highly reached my expectations. Congratulations, Melanie!'' She smiled sweetly to her and hugged her.
''Thank you, Miss Donatella.'' Melanie smiled, wiping her fake tears of happiness. Everything about them was fake. Fake smile, fake personality even a fake face.

I couldn't stand watching them so I turned around and walked back to the elevator. Everyone there thought Donatella and Melanie were such angels when it was exactly the opposite. Melanie was Donatella's minion. She was telling everything to her dear boss. I was sick of them, but I couldn't afford to lose my job. That's the only thing that was left to me.

I sat back at my desk trying to relax. Did all these six years went in vain right before my eyes? Why does this world has to be so unfair? I feel like nothing well is coming in my life. I would stay miserable like this forever. Maybe I don't work hard like I was supposed to. Even so I gave my free time to this job.

Looking at the people filling the room, Melanie approached me with the big grin.
''Hey, Angela. Would you like to come with me and few colleagues from her to the club tonight? I want to celebrate my promotion. I would be really happy if you could.'' She explained. I knew exactly what she was trying to do. She wanted to make me sad and disappointed because I didn't get promoted.

''Of course, I would like to come. Congratulations, Melanie.'' I smiled fakely. The quick surprised look vanished from her face as she smiled.
''Sure then. Let's meet at the club Five Star. I'll be waiting for you.'' She winked and left to sit at her desk.

Great, now I need to go to some club.

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