CHAPTER 19 |Unexpected|

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Angela's POV

Why is it so frustrating when we're not talking? I don't want to forgive him because I'm dramatic. He did apologize numerous times in the day, but I just won't. He is not even apologizing for the right thing. 

"Angela, help me!" I heard Ella scream from the upstairs. Myheart sped up as I rushed upstairs. I hope she didn't brake something or I swear if Eric hurt her purposefully... 

"What are you two doing?" I yelled, walking towards the room. When I got inside Ella was on bed and Eric was hitting her with pillow. She giggled instead of crying. My heart almost stopped at the thought she hurt herself.

"Ella, you can't scream like this. I almost had a heart attack." I sighed. They both stopped and looked at me with guilt.

"I'm not saying you shouldn't have fun, I just wanted to say not to frighten me like this." I added looking at their reactions. 

"Sorry, Angela. We won't do that again. Do you want to have a pillow fight with us?" Ella asked.

"I think I'm not in the state to have a pillow fight. Enjoy yourself and don't hurt each other." I warned before closing the door. They started fighting again and it looks like Eric was winning. I hope Ella won't get a concussion.

I entered my room and closed the door. I took my book from the dresser. They have been hyper since their Christmas holiday started. I always need to make them snacks for the afternoon. But I enjoy it. It makes me feel like a mom. 

I stretched my legs on the bed and strted reading where I left. I borrowed this book from Eric and I like it so far. What surprises me that this is not a children's book. It's more for teenagers and I don't have anything else to read so I settled for this one.

I was engrossed with the story that I didn't hear the door open. 

"Angela?" I heard Jay's voice calling me. 

"I'm doing something." I said. I heard him sigh and close the door. Just when I thought he left, he appeared next to me. He scooted closer and put his legs up.

"I didn't say that you can sit on my bed." 

"I hate that you're ignoring me." He sighed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I like when you talk to me." I snorted at his response.

"I have my reasons that you know really well, Jay. Go believe a liar and don't talk to me." I said harshly.

"Can we just let go of that?" He exasperated. 

"You can, but I won't. And you almost broke my wrist for her." I added. He wasn't even near breaking my wrist, but I just said that to be more dramatic.

"What? When?" He gasped. 

"It doesn't matter." I shrugged. He sighed and put his hand on my bump. He started moving it up making my breath hitch. His figertips grazed over my nipple as I gulped lowly.

"W-What are you doing?" I said breathlessly. His hand came resting below my throat. I don't know what kind of a game he was playing, but I liked it. 

"Do you know how much I wanted you since I saw you again in my office? I thought you looked so f*ckable there." I gasped at his cuss word. 

"Jay, what are you talking about?" I stammered and looked at him. He smirked and pulled me closer.

"Do you know for how long I have been restraining myself from you? We're not strangers anymore, sweetheart." He whispered on my lips.

My voice was lost and all I could do was let a moan from his words. It made me feel horny and something was happening between my thighs. He growled lowly at the little moan and made me lay on the bed. He hovered over me and held himself with his hands at the sides of my head.

"I want you so much right now. It's painful." He greethed out. I subconciously looked down to see his big "friend" growing bigger in his pants. The fact that I remembered how it felt like when he was inside of me, made me bit my lip.

"You naughty girl. You thought about that night. Do you want a repeat of that?" He said lowly next to my ear. I panted more faster than before at his words.

"Please, Jay." I whimpered. He sucked on my sweet spot making me lose my mind. 

"Angela! Angela!" I snapped out of my thoughts to see Jay still laying next to me. He looked at me weirdly. I didn't even listen to him all this time.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked.

"Nothing." I responded feeling embarassed that I thought about having s*x with him. But I wanted it so bad. My pregnancy hormones are so greedy.

"As I was saying, I hate when you're ignoring me." He stated.

"Why?" I asked. Deja-vu?

"Because I like when you're talking to me." Definitely deja-vu.

"We talked about this, Jay. You should stop. You believed her and not me. For you I'm just another random person that doesn't mean anything in your life." I said nonchalantly.

"It's not l—" He stopped talking when the door opened. Ella's little feet padded inside the room and she was surprised to see both of us here.

"Hey, dad! What are you doing here? I thought you two don't talk anymore." She said and climbed on the bed next to me.

"We don't." "We do." Jay and I said at the same time. I gave him a look, an angry look.

"We do talk, but Angela is mad at me." Jay said.

"Because you didn't believe her when Nella was here?" Ella shot up making me smirk. I taught her well.

"Do you know she told Eric that Angela was a mean person and she wanted to replace our mom? I bet you don't, dad. So you should apologize to Angela." Ella said. First, is she really a six years old? And second, what the hell was Donatella talking about me? I will strangle her. You never angry a pregnant woman.

"What are you saying, Ella? Did Donatella really talk about Angela like that?" Jay said. I didn't allow Ella to started talking as I snapped.

"And what do you think it's true? She heard her. I'm going to beat her fake face." I said, getting up from the bed. I was ready to go and slap her and kick her until she blacks out. How dare she speak like that to Eric? Now wonder he hated me more the day after the lunch.

"Baby, calm down. You're not going to beat her and hurt yourself." Jay said calmly. My heart skipped at the name he gave me. But I was angry.

"Let me go. How dare she talk about me like that? And you believed her?!" 

"I'm sorry, alright? But I'm going to fix this. You just need to stay calm and out of stress." He said. I don't want my son hurt and the doctor said it's not good to get stressed. But I was still angry.

I sat back on the bed and calmed down. Think positive thoughts, Angela. That woman won't hurt you anymore. 

"I will go meet her and tell her to f*ck off from our lives, alright?" 

"Don't curse. But you better do that or I will do it myself." I warned.

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