CHAPTER 16 |Unexpected|

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Jay's POV

I took a long shower to clear my thoughts. I'm still pissed off that Eric did that to Angela. He could have hurt the baby and Angela. I wanted to have a nice talk with him, but I snapped.

He disrespected her and hurt her. I didn't raise him to be like that. It only means I failed as a parent. I know it hurts him that he has no mother, but there is no reason to act like that. I tried to be the better parent so they won't miss their mother much. I thought I could replace longing, but I failed.

I put on sweatpants and shirt before heading out. I thought about going in the kitchen to eat, but I walked to the room that was closed for too long. That was Sara's and mine room before she died. I moved in the other room, because I couldn't sleep there with all the memories displaying in my head.

I entered the room and closed the door. It was untouched, of course, and I could notice a layer of dust on the dresser. I don't know why I still didn't remove all the things. There was also a crib where both Ella and Eric slept as babies. That would be good crib for our new baby. It was still in a good shape.

I loved Sara. But I was always having that feeling in me that bothered me. I had love for her, but something made me overthink stuff. I wasn't so sure in our relationship. But it's different with Angela. I know that everything would be perfect if we were in a relationship. I don't know if she has any feelings towards me, but I know for sure that my presence affects her.

Walking to the shelf where were all our pictures, I noticed the picture when Ella was born. That was a year before her accident. I still shiver when I think about that crash. She was coming back from visit to her friend and didn't notice another car speeding down the road. Apparently, thw driver was drunk and didn't see her. That's what police said. I was devasted especially because I was left with two little children.

I was frightened, but I made it. I wanted to be the best dad in the world for them. And now when Eric is doing this sh*t, I feel like I failed. I wanted him to be kind to people and to never be conceited because we have more money. Money shouldn't define people.

I looked around the shelf and noticed small dark blue box. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion because I never noticed this. I opened the box, there was a diamond necklace. It looked expensive that someone only of a higher status would buy it.

I tried to remember if I ever bought Sara a necklace like this one, but there was none. I didn't have that much money back then either. I turned around the box and looked under it to see name of the jewerly store where this was bought. And on the necklace were initials. J.R.

Who the hell was that? I never bought her this and as far as I remember we don't have any relatives nor friends with those initials. Or maybe there is possibility that Sara had someone else? I don't want to blame her deceased soul, but when I get flashbacks, she always said she was going to her friends or parents. That was one of those days when she had a car crash.

I took the box out of the room and walked back to my room. I placed it in the drawer of my nightstand. As I sat on the bed, I started thinking back in time. After we had Ella, she acted suspicious. Ella was not even two months old when she said she will visit her friend that needs her help. I believed her. How couldn't I see that she lied? Which mother would leave their kid to visit a friend? I was so stupid.

The door opened snapping me out of my thoughts. Angela walked inside with worried expression on her face making me think something is wrong.
''Is everything alright? I knocked but you didn't respond.'' She said.
''I was lost in my thoughts. What do you need me for?'' I asked.
''I have to talk to you.''
''Come here.'' I said and patted the place next to me.

She walked over waddling cutely. She looked adorable with baby bump. She ploped down on the bed and let out a soft sigh. I couldn't resist, but place my hand on her bump. Little smile reached my lips when I felt my son kick. He is strong like his father.

''I wanted to talk about Eric.'' She spoke.
''What about? If it's about what happened...'' She cut me off quickly.
''No, it's not about that. I'm fine. But it's about his school. When I went to pick them up, Ella told me that some kids were bullying him. Those were some racist kids. Maybe, you should talk to the principal.'' She explained.

''What? He never told me that he was being bullied. I didn't even notice.'' I said frustratedly. My son was getting hurt by other kids and I didn't notice that. Another reason why I became a bad father.

''It will be alright now. Talk to him and the principal. I'm sure it will get resolved.'' Angela said.
''Thanks for telling me. I won't allow it to continue.''
''And maybe you should apologize for yelling at him few hours ago.'' She added.

''For what? He deserved to be taught a lesson. There was a high possiblility of you and the baby getting hurt. I can't just pass through that fact. He is old enough to realize the consequences of his actions. And you're too kind to him.'' I pointed out the last sentence.

''I'm not saying that you're wrong, I just wanted to say that your reaction was wrong. He looked terrified when you were yelling at him. He is a kid and he has feelings.'' She argued back. She's got a point, but I won't apologize. I will talk to him to resolve conflicts.

''Whatever. If he didn't understand the first warning, then what I did was enough for him to stop.'' I said and closed the topic. I will stop by in school tomorrow and talk with the principal. That bastard doesn't even take care of the kids like he should. And those teachers are stupid and oblivious.

''Alright. Let's go downstairs for lunch now.'' She said and got up. I followed her out of my room downstairs to eat the lunch with my family that will soon grow one member more. I can't wait to experience the feeling of holding another one of my kids again. And with the woman I'm sure I can spend the rest of my life.

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