CHAPTER 21 |Unexpected|

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Jay's POV

''Jay, give me my son back.'' Angela whined from the bed. I rolled my eyes. She was holding him this whole time. I just can't get enough of him. He looks so adorable and cute and squishy. I want to hold him in my arms all the time. The feeling is the same as with Ella and Eric. I feel immense happiness.

''Here you go. You won't even let me hold my son for a minute.'' I snorted. I gently placed him back in her arms.

''I just get anxious when I don't hold him.'' She said sadly playing with his fingers.

''I know how do you feel. But he is perfectly fine now. Just look at him. He is so chubby.'' I chuckled and kissed his little fingers.

She leaned on my chest as I sat next to her.
''He is perfect.'' She whispered.

''Like his mother.'' I said staring at her. She looked up at me with blush coating her cheeks.

''I, certainly, am not perfect.''
''You are. To me.'' I smiled and captured my lips with hers soft ones. I wanted to kiss her again so bad and I finally did. She kissed me back and let out a moan in my mouth. The kiss was amazing. Everything about it was perfect.

But our moment was cut short when the door of the room opened. Angela pulled away quickly looking down at our son. I smirked looking at her glistening lips and red face.

''We're here.'' I heard Greg say as kids entered before him. Ella's eyes widened looking at the baby in Angela's arms. She walked closer and looked at her brother.

''He looks so cute.'' She squealed. I laughed at her sudden words. She touched hir fingers curiously.
''He is very little.'' She concluded.

''He is. You were like that when you were born too.'' I said.
''Really?'' She asked shocked. I nodded in confirmation.

''Eric, come see your brother.'' Angela called him. He looked awkwardly and stepped in. He is probably feeling bad about how he treated Angela before. But she forgave him and he learned his lesson.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around her neck while being careful of his brother.
''I'm sorry.'' I smiled in delight.
''It's okay. Do you want to hold him?'' She cheered. He nodded curtly.

Angela placed him in his arms gently. I just put my hand under him to steady him. I can clearly see that Eric was amazed by his little brother.

''How are you going to name him?'' Greg asked excitedly.
''I want Eric and Ella to decide.'' Angela said.
''We?'' Ella gasped. Dramatic kid. I hope they don't name him funny.

When the baby was placed back in Angela's arms, both of them went to the corner and started whispering. Just no funny names, I hope. After quite a while of whispering they both turned around with the satisfied look on their faces.

''And? What name you decided on?'' I asked curious.
''Emil.'' Eric said.
''Why is that?'' Angela asked.
''It starts with E and it's four letter name, just like ours.'' Ella said. Their heads are full with ideas. But I really liked the name.

''It's perfect. Emil Young.'' Angela smiled. I was glad seeing her happy. I want to see her smile always.
''It is. Good job!'' I said.

Angela's POV

A week later after all the tests were done, we were discharged from the hospital. Unfortunately, we had to spend Christmas here. But we were all together and that's what mattered.

I was dressed in a pair of loose sweatpants and shirt trying to feel more comfortable. This week Jay finished the room for Emil. He said that there was all he needed and baby seat was already placed in the car.

''You ready?'' He asked as he swung the bag over his shoulder.
''Yes.'' I took Emil from the bed. I previously wrapped him in very warm clothes and cute little beanie that looked adorable on him. We got out from the hospital together and headed towards the car that was near the entrance.

Jay buckled Emil carefully in his baby seat as I sat with Emil in the backseat. I was feeling relieved that I was finally out of the hospital and we're going back home. Emil will see for the first time his room. I'm excited to see how it came out too. Jay told me nothing and the last time I saw the room there was unpacked crib with only walls painted in light blue color.

Kids were waiting for us at home with Helen and Greg. Helen visited us in the hospital and she was really happy. I can't wait to see her as a mom too. I bet Greg is planning something. I'm glad for both of them.

After some time, we arrived home. I took Emil from his seat and walked in the house with Jay following behind me. In the house I was met with delicious smell of food. I assumed that Helen has cooked something.

''We're here.'' Jay said as usual.
''Hey, finally the couple is here. We waited for too long.'' Helen said.
''I'm very hungry so you better set those dishes on the table.'' I teased.

Me and Jay went upstairs and he opened the door of Emil's room. I gasped softly seeing the amazing room. The room was perfect. There was a white crib with white dresser. And armchair. It was everything I could imagine.

''It looks beautiful.'' I smiled.
''It does. I liked it too when I finished.'' The good thing was that I fed Emil in the hospital before we left so he would be sleeping for a long time. I set him in the crib and covered him with another blanket. And removed his beanie. There was a heat in the room turned on so it was perfect for him.

''I will go and change in my room before heading downstairs.'' I said.
''Our room.'' Jay said. I looked at him confused.
''I transferred your stuff in my room. You will be staying with me.'' He said possessively and wrapped his arms around my waist. I chuckled and put my arms around his neck.

''And why did you do that, Mr. Young?'' I teased him.
''Because I want to take care of my woman who gave me a beautiful son.'' He said making me blush.
''Then I agree. But if you steal my blanket, you will be flying to the floor.'' I warned him playfully. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss me.

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