CHAPTER 15 |Unexpected|

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Angela's POV

''I really can't believe it.'' Helen said, waving her hands around. ''How could he do that to you? And here I thought he liked you.'' She exasperated.

''What hurt me the most was that he hurt me to defend her. He didn't even ask the explaination of my actions, but he believed her.'' I said, popping another strawberry in my mouth.

''He is a jerk. Don't worry, babe. We know her personality. It's anything but pretty. She is a bitch.'' I agreed to her words. She is definitely a snake.

''How did date with Greg go?'' I asked, changing the subject. She leaned back on the couch and looked away. I couldn't recognize if she blushed, but she definitely felt shy.

''It was fine. He was nice too.'' Her lips formed into small smile.

''So you like him now? I remember you saying how you didn't like him, but went with him just because he asked you nicely.'' I said, raising my eyebrow mockingly.

''Shut up. I like him now, okay? People change.'' She pointed out. I chuckled at her reaction.

''That's what I thought. So where did you go?'' I asked curiously.

''We had a dinner on his private yacht. It was amazing, Angela. I never knew he could be such a gentleman.'' She gushed happily.

''A yacht? A real yacht?'' I gasped.

''Yes. He is totally rich. I actually thought he was working in some company, but he is the CEO of the largest production chain. That's crazy.''

''Jay never told me that. That's good. That means he can take care of you.''

''But I feel bad. He is literally loaded and my whole payment can go on the meal he eats daily. Why would he even take an interest in me?'' She sighed sadly. I gave her a side hug because my huge bump was restricting me.

''Just think everything through and decide what you want to do. If you want any advice, talk to me. Even if I'm not familiar with relationships.'' I chuckled.

''Thanks, Angela.''

My phone interrupted us as I saw a message from Jay. I internally rolled my eyes but decided to see what he wants.
''Can you pick up kids from school? I'm working and the driver is sick. If you could ask Helen to drive you there.''

It was not a problem for me and I wouldn't want to leave them waiting.
''Can you drive me to Ella's and Eric's school? I need to pick them up.'' I asked her with hopeful eyes.

''Sure, babe. Let's go.'' She said and got up. I'm relieved that she has her own car or I would have to go with a cab. Why couldn't he just assign someone from his company to go? Maybe he doesn't want to leave them to a stranger.

We were soon headed to their school. Going there to pick them up, I felt like a mom. I'm going to become one, but I also have Ella and Eric. Even tho Eric is not a fond of me, but I treat him like I would treat my child. It would be nice if they also considered me as their mom. It would make me very happy.

After a long drive, we arrived in front of a building. It seems that kids are going in a really nice school. I could say that those of higher status go here. I said Helen to wait for me while I go get them. I got out of the car and walked towards the entrance.

I immediately noticed Ella. Once she saw me she ran towards me. She looked scared like something bad happened.
''Ella baby, what's wrong? Where is Eric?'' I asked.

''Mom, he is getting bullied by some bad kids. Help him.'' She cried out. Did she just call me mom? Oh my God, she really called me her mom, but it was not time to get distracted. Eric was hurt.

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