CHAPTER 11 |Unexpected|

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Angela's POV

I made my way inside the bathroom to pee. Today is the appointment when we are going to find out the gender of baby. I feel really excited. It doesn't matter which gender is my baby as long as it's fine. But Ella has been really persistent to have a sister.

We already had breakfast and Eric didn't throw another tantrum. I think he is just jealous of the idea of having a new addition to the family. Jay told me he already talked about that with him, but Eric still doesn't like me. I don't know what should I do. Should I make a cake or cookies? Kids usually like that.

After finishing with my business, I walked downstairs. I found Ella on the couch. She was watching a cartoon and Eric was on the floor with the book. I didn't know he liked reading. Kids these days are more for technology than books.

''Hey, munchkins.'' I said and sat next to Ella.
''Hey, Angela. Will you watch cartoons with me?'' She asked me sweetly. I could never reject that beautiful face.
''Of course. Which cartoon is this?''
''Looney Tunes.'' She answered.
''I think I remember this one. It's an old cartoon.'' I said, looking at the familiar rabbit.
''I like it a lot. When did you watch it?''

She cuddled in my side as I put my arm around her.
''I think I watched it when I was your age. I was 5 or 6 years old then. So it was a really long time ago.'' I answered.
''Wow. Did your parents watch with you? My dad sometimes does.'' She asked.
''No, my parents weren't really at home. They didn't like spending time with me.''

''Did they love you?'' She asked curiously. I was sad with her question.
''They probably did. Every parent loves their child, but some of them show it on a different way. Your dad also loves you very much and I'm sure your mom too. She isn't here, but she watches you over. Like a guardian angel.'' I explained. She smiled widely.
''Do you love my sister too?'' She said referring to her future sibiling.

''I do. But why do you want it to be a girl?'' I asked confused.
''I don't want to have another Eric.'' She said mockingly.
''What if it is a boy?'' She shrugged.
''But you know you can play with him too, right?'' I chuckled.
''I guess so.'' She smiled a little.

''We are going to find out if you're having a brother or sister. Do you want to go with me and your dad?''
''Can I?'' She squealed excitedly.
''Of course. Do you want to come too, Eric?'' I asked him.
''No.'' He answered unbothered.
''It's alright.'' I said sadly. I hope he will loose up one day.

''I'm back.'' We heard Jay's voice behind us.
''Hi, dad!'' Ella smiled. He came and gave her a kiss.
''Hey.'' I muttered, blushing. If it could be worse, he kissed me on the cheek making my face heat up.
''We need to go to the appointment. Are you ready?'' He asked.

''I'm coming too.'' Ella squealed.
''Great. Eric you will be fine alone, right? We'll be back in an hour.'' Jay said.
''Yes.'' Eric responded and got up. He walked back upstairs with his book. I feel bad now. Maybe I should talk with him to go with us.
''Let's go, Angela.'' Ella said, jumping up and down.

''Sure. Let's go get our jackets.'' She ran before me, clearly showing her eagerness. I put on my shoes and slipped the jacket on. When both of us were ready, we went in the car. Jay already turned on the heat making me warm. It's getting more colder every day. I hope it snows. That would look beautiful in the backyard of the house.

I have now a private doctor. Jay said he wanted to have a best care for me and our child. I was skeptical about that, because it will cost a lot of money. But Jay didn't want to hear a word. I could say I got comfortable in their family. Jay and Ella treat me well, but Eric is a hard nut. I don't want anyone to hate me.

We were soon at the doctor's office. I already knew the routine. He asked me if I had any problems, I laid on the bed and he put cold gel on my stomach that I learned to hate. It's always cold and my body doesn't like it.

''I don't see any problem with the baby.'' Doctor Gerard said.
''Can we know the gender?'' I asked.
''It's a boy.'' I smiled brightly but my smile fell a little when I saw Ella's sad face.
''Thank you.'' I said. We finished as I cleaned up the gel. Doctor gave us new ultrasound pictures and I couldn't believe that my baby is already so big. 

We got out of the office and Ella was still frowning. She really hoped she would get a sister. 

"Sorry, Ella. I knew you wanted the baby to be a girl." I said.

"It's fine." She shrugged.

"But you can still play with your brother. I think he won't mind when he gets old enough to play." I chuckled.

"You think so?" She asked me, a little smile adorning her face. 

"Of course." 

We got inside the car and Jay drove off. I didn't want to blush, but I couldn't help myself when he smiled at me. I saw adoration and happiness in his eyes. Why does this have to be hard? Am I starting to have some feelings? I'm not sure. I never liked anyone, but with Jay it's different.

We arrived home as I went upstairs. I had to pee again. When I got out, there was a knock on the door. Ella peeked through the door like a curious kitten.

"Angela? Can I come in?" She asked politely. She is taught some really good manners.

"Yes, munchkin." She fully entered and closed the door. There was some children's book in her hands.

"I wanted to read to my brother. I brought my favourite books." She smiled and hopped on the bed. My heart swooned for this little girl. I can't handle her cuteness sometimes.

"Sure. Make some space for me to." I said and laid on the bed. I adjusted the pillows behind my back as Ella leaned in my side.

"What do you have here?" I asked her.

"I have Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Snow White. These are my favourites. But I have more." She explained excitedly.

"I think your brother wants to hear a story about Snow White. Can you read it for him?" She nodded eagerly and took the book.

"Once upon a time..." 

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