CHAPTER 14 |Unexpected|

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Donatella's POV

That whore! She trapped my Jay with the baby. I always knew she was a gold-digger. I'm glad that I fired her. Her fake innocent looks were irritating me. She wasn't innocent at all. Stupid bitch.

''Babe, another one?'' I heard the man next to me says. He is one of the best I ever had s*x with. But I was tired.
''Next time. I need to go.'' I said. I let the cover off of my body and slid my panties on. I found my bra on the floor and quickly put it on.
''You're sexy, baby.'' I smirked. I leaned on the bed and kissed him.

''Thank you.'' I cheekily said. I finished dressing myself and rushed out of the room. I walked towards the exit of the hotel in style. Don't want anyone to talk about me. Afterall, I can't disappoint my father.

I knew what I had to do. I'm going to the little family encounter. I won't let Angela take Jay from me. I was finally happy when that Sara died and now this. I can't even bear the sight of his children, but in order to be good woman in his eyes, I had to treat those children like I like them.

Not even that pregnant cow will stop me in achieving my goals. And I only have the only one. To be with Jay. We have known each other since high school. I loved him since then. I don't plan to let him go now that I'm so close to him.

On my way to their house, I bought presents for kids. I really hate spending time and money on that part, but it's part of my act. I firmly believe that Jay will be mine soon. With that thought I parked in their driveway. I knew everyone was at home because it's weekend. Maybe I can have some fun too.

I knocked on the door, mustering my best grin. Door opened to reveal Jay. He is always so good looking. I wonder how he manages that. That's why I like him. He is handsome and rich. Why will girl wish for anything else?
''Hey, Jay.'' I said and hugged him.
''Hey, Donatella.'' He seemed a little surprised.

''I came to visit kids. Where are little babies?'' I had to add a bit of act. I wasn't happy for seeing those dumbasses.
''They are in their rooms. Come in.'' I walked inside, looking around if I'm going to see that pregnant whale. Thankfully, she wasn't there.

''How have you been?'' He asked. I set my lips into pout.
''I have been fine. I was just feeling bad because of what happened last time.'' I said sadly. I don't give a flying f*ck about that woman. But it's all part of the act.
''You don't have to be. I understand. And Angela shouldn't have done like that too.'' He said. I guess he is taking my side.

''That doesn't matter. Everything is fine now.'' I smiled.
''Can I go to see kids? I missed them.''
''Yes, sure. I will make us lunch.'' I nodded and went upstairs. I wonder where is the room the whale stays in. If I were Jay, I would put her in the damn basement.

I went towards Eric's room and knocked. When the little brat saw me, he hugged me. I hate kids.
''Hey, young man. What are you doing?'' I asked, ruffling his hair.
''I was reading. How are you, Nella?'' He answered.

Suddenly an idea popped up in my head. I can turn Eric against Angela. He already seems like he doesn't like her. That can come in handy.
''I'm a little bit sad.'' I lied. We both went to sit on his bed. He looked at me worriedly and I knew I caught his attention.
''Why, Nella?''

''Angela made me sad. She hates me but I never did anything wrong.'' I explained. He gave me a confused look, but it soon turned to angry one.
''She is here because of your dad's money. She wants to get rich. I'm really sad, Eric.'' I acted.
''Don't be sad because of her, Nella. I don't like her too.''

''Don't worry, honey. Nella will take care of you.'' I leaned his head on my chest and caressed his hair. I have someone on my side and soon Angela will go flying out of this house along with her damn child.

Angela's POV

Hearing voices in the kitchen, I walked like some penguin down the stairs. As I was coming closer, I caught a glimpse of Eric and Ella. When I fully came around the corner I saw her again. Of course she would come back just to annoy me and get closer to Jay.

They all noticed me and I felt like some intruder. Only Ella waved me when she saw me.

''Don't mind me.'' I muttered and took an apple from the fruit bowl. I turned around to go back, but Jay stopped me.

''Lunch is now. Stay here to eat.'' He said. I couldn't believe my ears. After what happened, he wants me to eat at the same table with her. I'm truly disappointed now.

''I'm not hungry. I will be in my room.'' I said, yanking my hand from his hold.

''You didn't eat anything since the breakfast. The baby is hungry.'' He almost growled. I'm sure my baby is disgusted by her too so he isn't hungry.

''Angela, please stay to eat with us.'' Ella asked me. I decided to eat just because of Ella. Actually why would I go to my room when she is the guest here?

''Sure, baby.'' I smiled and walked to her. I kissed her head as she gave me full blown smile. In no time Jay set the dishes on the table. Kids already sat at their places. But obviously someone thought she would take my place. Donatella sat at my chair making my blood boil.

Before I could say something, Ella cut me off.
''Nella, that's Angela's seat.'' She said smugly. I almost cracked a smile. Donatella looked at me disgusted and moved on the next seat. I smiled fakely and sat down. Jay set the food on the table as we started eating. I could clearly see bothered look on his face. I never wanted him to be mad at me. But I could never act friendly or kind towards her. I guess this will be a long time problem.

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