˚ ༘♡ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆 ༄

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"he's cute" mary jane whispered in my ear, looking behind me. "who" i questioned turning my head around looking at almost everyone in the hallway.

"him" she points at a tall boy with a black hoodie on. "no mary jane, no boys" i explained and she responded with a smile. "come on luna, all these boys are dying to get with you" i scoffed and laughed after closing my locker.

"anyways what class do you have next" she questioned and i rolled my eyes. "spanish." i answered as i took out my notebook handing it to her. "i'll drop this off at your house later and we can hang out later" she said, right after the bell rang letting both of us walk in different directions.

i walked into the restroom to fix anything thats isn't right. i noticed a girl fixing her makeup. i fixed my hair and clothes and walked out. i walked into my next class late.

"luna you're late" my teacher says glaring at me as i walk by her. "i know" i say sitting on my seat not looking at anyone else. god i hate this class. i want this class to be over. mary jane is coming to my house after school today to hang out. she literally saves my day.

"miss parker" my teacher called out making me take a deep breath. i looked towards her and she continued to speak.

harrys pov

i listened to my teacher review over a test that i didn't give one shit about. "hey pete what are you doing after school" i questioned and he kept his head glued to his book.

i looked to see what peter was reading. he looked up at me immediately causing him to shut the book and hide it. "still reading that book" i asked looking at him.

"no i finished that book" he finally answered looking up. "who's the girl" i smiled looking around at every girl in this class, getting a glimpse at there appearances. knowing damn well that's not how you get a girl.

"harry no, there is no girl" i laughed. "i'm doing nothing later so i'm free to hang out" he added gripping his book tighter than before. "i'll go over to your house since my father will be home, you know" he nodded before the bell rang signaling that school was over.

lunas pov

i got home before my brother peter did. i have no idea what takes him this long to get home. mary jane called me saying she was about to get here. i went to open my door and see peter with a guy aside him.

"hey luna" peter smiled as i let them both in. i don't usually like when there are guest over but this was the first time he had someone over and i didn't care.
i took one more glance outside to see mary jane arrive.

"luna" she softly said while smiling. i let her in. she noticed peters friend in my living room. "oh hey i'm mary jane" she had the biggest smile on her face. "harry" peters friend smiled at her and i jogged upstairs.

a couple seconds later she entered my room closing the door behind her. "who was that" she freaked out. i shrugged as she made a confused look. "so peter just brought a random guy over" she starred at me waiting for a response. "peter hasn't had anyone over in a long time, and quite frankly i don't really care" i stated and she rolled her eyes taking out my notebook i handed to her earlier.

"so what do you wanna do today" she asked twirling her hair. "well i gotta do an essay for english" i grabbed my laptop from my backpack. "luna" i groaned when i heard my name get called from downstairs. "i'll be back" i smiled before walking downstairs.

"what" i complained spotting peter and his friend on the sofa. "is mj staying over" he asked as they both looked at me. "well i don't know" i said with a confused look and remembered. "i'll ask" i smiled before making my way back upstairs.

"hey are you staying over" i asked mary jane and she had a confused look on her face. "yes i would love too but why" i made a stupid excuse to hide peters little crush on her. "we can watch a movie together tonight" i explained to her. she nodded and agreed.

harrys pov

pete and i were watching tv and we were hearing this spider guy saving someone else agian. "this spider-man guy needs something better to do than help these people" i scoffed and made pete turn off the tv.

"i think it's pretty cool there's someone saving the city you know" he went on then i replied with a laugh. "the city doesn't need a super hero" i stated and pete called out for his sister.

"what" she said with an attitude. "is mj staying over" i looked over at her. she stayed quiet with a confused look on her face. "i'll ask" she responded and smiled at both of us before leaving.

"well i'll stay over too" i said with a smile. "alright" he replied back opening a new book i've never seen before. "what's that about" i questioned pointing at the book in his hands. he smiled. "aunt may got me this for my birthday, i decided to finally read it, it's mainly love nothing important" he shrugged it off and closed it after hearing luna walk downstairs.

"mary jane is staying over" she said making petes get exited. he smiled at her. "i'm staying over too" i looked over at luna and smiled. she didn't really look over at me which i kinda was super bummed about. mary jane walked downstairs after making me stare at her entire existence. she spotted me and smiled. "i heard you're also staying over" i said hiding the fact that i might have feelings for her.


hope you liked this chapter!! i don't know if i should continue it or not.

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