˚ ༘♡ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆 ༄

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"happy birthday." i say to harry and he thanks me. i give him a gift bag and i watch him leave the room and come back. "here, some flowers for you." he smiles at me and i'm confused. "me? but it's your birthday." i say taking them into my hands. "i know. i just wanted give you them, that's it." he says and i hesitate to take them.

"thank you." i smile and he nods at me as i finally take them. "luna." i hear a voice behind me and i know who it is. i turn and smile. "hello dr osborn." i say and he smiles at the correct words. "finally someone who gets it right unlike someone." he says eyeing harry.

"dad." harry clears his throat but norman ignores him. "but please call me norman." he tells me with a smile. "you can always call me norman." he continued as he brings me into a warm hug.

"and harry should really focus on something else or someone else." norman says through gritted teeth and i furrow my brows. "so are you going to celebrate your birthday?" i ask when norman leaves the room.

"i don't really celebrate on my birthday." harry tells me and i see a small sadness in his eyes "well todays the day." i say and i invite the only close to me. marymary jane and peter show up and watch a movie all together. harrys dad calls out harrys name and we all look at each other.

"let me go help my dad." he say's walking to another room. time then passes by and we somehow end up outside and sitting next to each other. "you love him a lot." i say and he nods slowly. "yeah i do even when he can sometimes be a bit pissed at me." he replies and laughs with me. "well i know he also loves you very much too." i say and from looking at the side lf his face, i see a slight tug of a smile appear. then he looks at me.

i stare into his eyes a second and we both stop smiling. "in one year from now, do you think everything will be the same?" he asks me randomly. "why do you ask?" i question him with a confused look.

"i'm turning eighteen next year, i'm not sure how i feel about that?" he says looking up at the dark sky. "you can't possibly be already thinking about next year." i say and he turns his whole attention to me.

"you're only seventeen once take it all in before you start even thinking about adulthood." i add and he nods at me. "but if you're asking me if everything will be the same from today to next year, i say if we stick together and nothing bad happens then it will be alright." i add

"and you promise nothing's going to change?" he asks softly. his eyes look so tired that i couldn't bare to say what he's hoping i wouldn't say. "nothings going to change, i promise." i say laying my head onto his shoulder. he takes a deep breath and i take my head off him.

"let's go back inside." i say as i get up, he shakes his head. "come on harry, it's your birthday you deserve to celebrate. at least for me." i say gently tugging on his arm to get up. "if it's for you then alright." he caves in and gets up. he then looks down at me with a smile and i forget what we are even doing.

"harry, luna come on we are going to cut the cake." we both turn to hear mary jane yell out to us. it's freezing outside so i grip onto harrys sleeve. "gonna get some?" he asked me. "one little slice won't hurt." i reply amd we both walk back in to the house.

we then sing 'happy birthday' to harry and watch his eyes glow up for a second before blowing out the candles. i stand still, watching everyone hurry to grab a slice as me and harry make eye contact.

"here i got you one." mary jane stands in front of me breaking the contact and i smile at her. "thank you." i say as i take the plate from her. i would like to think that i'm with harry in another universe or well i was with harry in my past life but i can't be thinking of something like that when i know who has him already.

i can choose to believe that another part of me is out there being busy with loving someone else when the real one is right there. in all of those different versions of me i hope i'm with harry, just one. but as of rightnow i'm not and that's just reality.

"thank you so much for this." harry tells me and there it is again the eye contact we make again. "mhm." i nod breaking the contact as i closed my eyes. "see you tomorrow?" he asks before he can close the door. "is luna leaving already?" i hear a voice from behind him. "yeah she is." harry replies and norman comes into view.

"have a good night ms parker." he tells me with a heart warming smile. "you too." i say back and norman looks at me then at harry. "leave you two be." he says before leaving. "so i'll see you tomorrow?" harry says again and i nod and he offers to walk me out. he didn't want me walking to my house by myself so he sent bernard to drive me home. "goodnight luna." he tells me as i walk out of the car. i turn to peek my head into to look at him. "goodnight harry." i replied back before i closed the door and walked home.


more chapters coming !!!!

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