˚ ༘♡ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓 ༄

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lunas pov

harry left to comfort mary jane. i walked upstairs to my room and started to open the book that i left on my bed. i smiled at the bight light that shined down onto my bed.

"hey luna it's mary jane thanks for the note." i heard the phone say as i got up to answer it. "i hope you're doing fine." i said closing the book and laying it face down on my table. "yeah i'm alright harrys here and he's keeping me company." she simply said as i could hear her smiling through the phone.

"you gotta love harry for that." i said back with the biggest smile. "yeah i do love him." she replied back silently. "well i gotta go." she added. "okay bye love you." i said as she said it back too.

harry is just the sweetest. i thought about harry and mary jane and decided to get him something for comforting her friend. i got ready and walked outside of my house walking towards a flower place. i admired all of them and their scenes. sunflowers caught my eyes as i grabbed them and went to pay for them.

i walked out of there with them in my arms. i smiled at how pretty they are. as i got home i wrote on a piece a paper and put it on the flowers. i really hope harry likes them. i walked to where i suppose he is at. mary janes home. i knocked and he opened the door.

"luna." he said with a smile. he eyes went over to the flowers in my hand. "there yours." i said handing them to him. "luna you didn't have to i-." i cut him off. "no, harry i got them for you just for being there for mary jane." i said as he went to hug me. his arm wrapped around my waist.

"thank you." he whispered so calmly. he finally let go of me as we both exchanged smiles.

harrys pov

i watched her leave. i smiled down at the sunflowers and saw the note in them. 'thank you for being there for mary jane, i haven't really been in a good place rightnow with peter, you know and i just wanted to give these to you for being there for me too. love, luna'

i smiled at the note. she was something else. "who was that?" mary jane said walking up to me and noticed the flowers. "oh luna just wanted to give these to you.." i went on and gave them to her. i slid the note into my back pocket and watched her smell the flowers.

"luna sure knows how to make someone's day." she said as she went to place then into a vase. she sure does.

lunas pov

as i get home, i decided to call peter telling him when he was getting home. i gripped the phone into my hand and waited for him to answer. it went straight to voicemail. "hey peter i was calling to see when you were planning to come home. it's getting really sad and depressing without you here, so if you get this i hope you come home, okay bye." i said into the phone.

i sat down in my living room turning my tv on as the news came on. "spiderman saves the day again." they said as i smiled. i then hear my phone make a noise, i checked but nothing. i noticed harrys name on my screen, should i? no he's probably with mary jane. i don't wanna interrupt.

i put my phone down, turning the tv off and walked upstairs to my room. i laid onto my bed and starred at my ceiling. i really hope peters is okay after him seeing mary jane with harry.

mary janes pov

harry was still at mines and we were watching a movie together. we we're on my bed with his arm wrapped around me. i placed my head on his chest and smiled. an hour later his phone rang. "oh i gotta get this." he said making me get off of him. as he got up i noticed a paper fall out of his phone. i thought it was going to be a random paper. i opened it and read it.

"luna?" i said confused why she would write him a note and why would he not show me. were those flowers his? i grabbed the note and hide it in my pocket. i got off the bed and went to where harry went. "who was it?" i asked calmly as he saw me and smiled. "i gotta make sure luna is okay, peter isn't home and she's by herself." he replied back as he put his phone in his back pocket.

"well okay." i said back as i watched him leave. "bye." i whispered before he left. i then pulled the note out of my pocket. why did he hide it. does he like luna, no that's not possible.

lunas pov

mary jane is going to hate me for this. "hey, um can you come over. i know you're with mary jane but she can come too if she wants, i just feel very lonely rightnow, peter isn't home yet." i said to him through the phone. "i'll be there but mary jane can't, says cause she's very busy." harry replied making me smile.

i hung up as thirty minutes passed and harry was finally here. i opened my door revealing harrys face. ithe cold air hitting my body as i noticed the rain from outside. i let him in as he wrapped his arms around me.

"i'm sorry." i whispered as he looked down at me confused. "sorry for what?" he asked looking worried. "i know you also have things going on in your life too like your dad, being there for mary jane." i said as i looked away from him. "don't apologize luna, okay?" he said lifting my chin up as he looked into my eyes. i nodded and slowly smiled.

we both sat in my living room and watched a movie. i admired the rain falling from outside hearing the rain hit the floor. "come here." harry said as i looked at him and took his hand as he led me outside. i stood under the roof as i watched him stand under the rain letting it wet him.

"come." he said with the brightest smile as he held his arm out. i smiled back and walked over to him. he wrapped his arms around me and held me close, which i didn't think was weird at this very moment so i went along with it.

i looked up at him and smiled as it rain over us making his hair messed up. i laughed at the both of us as he leg go of my waist as i looked up at the sky and smiled. it was truly beautiful. i stopped and saw harry starring at me. "what?" i asked confused but he then cupped my face in his hands and kissed me.

i took notice of what he just did and pushed him off. "what the hell harry?" i said harshly and still confused. "wha-." i cut him off. "you're dating mary jane, i- no harry you shouldn't have done that, fuck." i said still in shock at what he did. "luna wait i-." he put his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.

"no harry let's just forget this, okay?" i said looking at him as he stood there with no emotion. i walked back to my house and walked into my room. why did harry kiss me? it had to be random, right?

harrys pov

i kissed her, i know it wasn't right but she just looked beautiful and i couldn't resist. "no harry let's just forget this, okay?" she said looking into my eyes. i felt my heart drop at the sound of her voice. i watched her leave. i stood there trying to process the fact i got rejected by the girl i really liked but yeah i get it i was also dating her best friend.

as i go back to mary janes house, she opened the door for me. i didn't wanna tell her anything that just happened. "is luna okay?" she asked as i walked in. i slowly nodded. she saw my face wasn't showing any emotion so she stayed silent. i was about to apologize for leaving her here but she interrupted.

"harry can i ask you something?" she said looking down onto the ground. i looked at her signaling she could tell me anything. "do you like luna?" she silently asked looking into my eyes. i stayed silent not knowing what to say.


this one took a while, i'm sorry but i hope you all liked it. <3

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