˚ ༘♡ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏 ༄

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i waited for them to show up. then a couple minutes pass by as they finally come over. i opened the door. "how are you doing." is the the first thing mj says. "good." i smile and let her in along with harry.

"how was tonight so far?" she asked grasping both my hands with the biggest smile plastered on her face. not great but i couldn't tell her that. "it went great." i smiled well forced a smile. "well now you have to tell me what happened after you two left." she grasped my arm pulling my towards with her as she lead the both of us to my living room.

"i don't know i-." i say but stop, trying to find a reason not to talk about this. "come on luna, i wanna know everything." she says excitedly and i looked directly at harry leaning against the kitchen counter with both hands placed on his face like he was also too, waiting for me to spill whatever happened tonight. i looked back at her instantly changing the subject.

"i'm sorry, i probably interrupted you two." i say worryingly, playing with my fingers. "no you didn't luna." mary jane reassures me with a hug. i hear harry then walk to sit next to her and we both release from eachother as i sit across from them.

"she kinda did." harry blurts out as mary jane elbows his shoulder. "no you didn't." she says glaring at him then looks at me with a smile. i pressed my head into the palm of my hands, slowly shaking my head at his words then after looked up to look at them.

"so i did ruin you two having a." i stopped talking then continued, "moment." i raised my eyebrow as i smirked at them both. "moment? what moment?." mary jane gave me a confused look. "you two having sex." i said with a small smile. i watched as her eyes widen and harry looked away hiding his smile as he casually takes a sip of his water. "we didn't have any sex." mary jane lightly hits harrys arm and he laughs in return.

"we didn't." she mouthed to me secretly. i looked between the both of them confused then nodded my head. "right okay." i say as she nods back. well that was something. harry then places with his cup of water onto the table.

"what do you possibly know anything about sex?." harry says with a small laugh. i press my hand against my heart slightly offended by his comment. and it starts. "from books and also i read unlike you." i said not regretting anything i just said. "luna." mary jane says but i don't look at her. "hey! i do read incase you didn't know." he says gritting his teeth in a pissed off way. "harry." mary jane warns him pushing his body back lightly.

"i know more about it than you." i bit back. "wanna bet." he adds then mj interrupts. "stop!." mary jane cuts in as we both look at her this time. "i'm going to the bathroom and when i come back you two better stop whatever this is." she adds and i glare back at harry. she then gets up and starts to walk upstairs. then there's silence. i don't dare to make any sound. so i sit there and wait until mary jane comes back down, no matter how awkward it is.

"so this boyfriend... did he like take you home?." harry says breaking the silence as he raised his eyebrow, well i didn't see him do it but from the sound of his voice, i knew he did exactly that and i knew damn well he knew deep down the answer to the question. "yes he did." i smiled when i said that. he took a sip of him water.

"you saw me leave with him." i added crossing my arms against my chest. i then placed the glass of water down letting out a smile. "so what are you like." he motioned his arm in a circle as i waited for him to finish. "like what." i said impatiently wanting him to tell me.

"are you two getting serious?" he asked his eyes not leaving mine. why does he care about that? "i mean we've been together for the past couple of months, i don't see why not?" i say looking away from his intense stare as i get up and walk towards the kitchen.

𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆  ⇢ 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒔𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒏Where stories live. Discover now