˚ ༘♡ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 ༄

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sorry for this one....


"we are going to all eat together okay?" aunt may says and we all nod in sync. she starts placing food onto the table. the tvs on and i watch them talk about new things happening today but i get distracted when aunt may is done and sitting.

"so peter anything new?" ben asks and we all look at peter. "i got a job at the daily bugle? i mean it's not anything big but it's something right?" he says and we all smile at him. "you're taking pictures for them?" harry questions and he nods with a smile. then i never seen someone's smile fade quicker than his did rightnow. peters face has a straight face now.

he then stares out into distance and i watch him in confusion. "peter?" i ask and he looks at me. "i gotta go." is all he says and quickly gets up from his seat. i can tell when somethings bothering him and right now he looks scared.

"it's too dark to go out at this time." ben says looking up at him. "i'll be fine." he replies putting on his sweater. "no you won't." aunt may says back and i watch everyone talk around me. peters now in front of the door before saying bye.

"peter don't go." uncle ben says but peters already up. he seems worried about something. "what's wrong?" i asked him and he doesn't say anything. "are you okay?" aunt may asks and he doesn't reply. me and harry sit still as we both watched them all get up. another reason to us not to sit all together again. "i'll go after him." ben says as he hurries to put on his shoes before leaving.

"i should go." harrys says from behind me and i nod lightly. "luna pack him some food to go, please." aunt may tells me and i nod again after a second from watching them leave the room. it's just me and harry now.

"i'll go get it." i say pointing towards the kitchen and he nods without saying anything. he follows behind me which i didn't expect him to but he did. i grab a empty container and drop it onto the counter.

"will you be coming by again with mary jane later?" i ask breaking the silence as i start placing food into the small container and he watches me. "is she coming over later?" he questioned and nod. "we're going to watch a movie together." i reply and close the container shut and turn to look at him.

"it's a romance." i smile at my words and he takes the container from my hands. "i'm not surprised." he says and i lightly hit his shoulder. "you can't come." i state and he takes it as offensive like he always does. "then why ask me if i'm coming later if you're saying i can't come?" he ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"because i wanna know if the nights going to be ruined." i smile at my words and we both continue to have a strong eye contact. he grips the counter to take a deep breath in.

"you ever going to forgive me?" he asks and i know what he's referring to. i smile and let out a small laugh. "how can i ever do that?" i question lifting up my brows.

"will a book earn your forgiveness?" he offers and i stop smiling. "are you trying to bribe me for forgiveness?" i say give him a look. "it's going to a romance." is all he replies with when my eyes widen. "fine. i forgive you." i instantly say and feel him smile at me when i grasp his arm and smile against him. that's when i realize what i'm doing and let go.

"here you go." i say when i hand him the food and he takes it. "thank you." he says and we both look at each other both grasping the container, our fingers inches from touching. "i'll let you be then." i reply and let go. "bye." he tells me before he walks out. then harry leaves and i run up to my room.

i called my boyfriend before i can hear aunt may moving around downstairs. i tell him i have to go and rush downstairs. "need help?" i ask and she nods. she's nervous. i start taking plates to the sink and she takes a seat at the couch. then a knock appeared at the door.

"someones at the door." i say cleaning the table. "must be mary jane." i add as i watch aunt may walk over to the door. i hear small muffles followed by a loud gasp.

"what happened?" i asked confused by her sudden gasp. i peek over to see her standing with the door fully opened. i hurry over to her side. police? "i'm sorry." i hear the officer say with his hat in his hand. they leave before aunt may closes the door.

"aunt may, what happened?" i ask again. "it's your uncle ben." she says and blood rushes through me. "what about him?" i ask as she looks at me with tearful eyes. "he's dead." she replies like she couldn't believe it was coming out from her mouth.

"what?" i ask panick starting to raise inside me and i notice her body start to shake. i quickly grab onto her before she could fall onto the floor. she grips the wall and she's not saying anything.

"what happened?" i ask worryingly. "he's been shot." she replies and i feel her walk away slowly and go up the stairs. i take her words in and place a hand against my chest. "no." i say before collapsing onto the floor.

peters not home yet, oh he's going to be so sad. i don't even notice how long i've been on the floor for until i take a moment to look up at the ceiling. i need to call someone. i then get up and slowly walk upstairs. aunt mays room is closed so i walk into mine.

harrys pov

mary janes at my house and we're both hanging out then the phone rings. she answers it as i watch tv in my living room. "where's peter at?" i hear her say and i take a quick glance at her confused. she looks at me worryingly.

"is he okay?" i hear her let out a small gasp and i get up. "okay bye." she adds seconds later and hangs up. "what happened?" i asked getting closer to her. "her uncle bens been shot." she says and i look up at the ceiling feeling emotions i've felt before take over me again.

"she must be so devastated." i say closing my eyes with a frown and she nods back. i stare at the floor not doing anything and feel mary janes hands roam down my back. "is he okay?" i ask and she doesn't say anything and places her head against my back and i hear a faint sniffle from her.

i close my eyes shut at this sudden news and feel her vibration against me. "hey bernard can you drive us to lunas?" i yell and i get a "of course" response back. she lets go of me and starts grabbing her belongings.

lunas pov

i hear the front door open and close and seconds later footsteps running upstairs. that's when harrys face appeared in my room. "how are you feeling?" he asked me sitting next to me on the bed.

"uncle ben, something bad happened." i try to get out of me but i place my face onto my pillow. "no don't cry luna." harry says running his hands up and down my back gently. "come on, sit up." he tells me and i do.

he looks at me gently moving strands of hair from my face. his finger then drags across my cheek, wiping away my tear stains. "it's going to be okay, okay?" he reassures me in a voice i've once heard before and never knew i would ever miss before.

"okay." i whispered and before i know it he's kneeling in front of me on the floor while i'm sat on the bed, placing both his hands on each side of my face. i stop feeling anything and we both stare into each other's eyes.

"i'm going to be here for you like you were with me okay?" he says and i remember harrys been here before only this time it's my turn to take his place. i can't form words but little hums.

"we're going to get through this okay?" he says and for a moment i see a faint tear from his eye and down his face. then i couldn't see his face anymore from the tears starting to form inside my eyes and he places his head against mine. "sh, don't cry luna." he whispers as he holds my hand into his. "don't cry." he keeps telling me and we both stay there for a moment. that's when i knew nothing was ever going to be the same again.


i'm looking over the christmas chapter rightnow and omg it's soooo cute, i can't wait for you all to read it !!!!! <3333

𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆  ⇢ 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒔𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒏Where stories live. Discover now