Chapter 4 - The greatest adventures are not the ones we imagine

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It was early that morning, Anne, Jerry and Gilbert, were outside in front of the house, loading the sled with the various belongings.

The young redhead kept sighing, then she finally said, while placing a box on the back of the sled, "It's only because it reassures Marilla, that I accept that you accompany me. But I don't need you both at all, I am more than capable of going on my own."

Jerry started to giggle, while Gilbert looked at her with a small smile, holding back from laughing.

"There's nothing funny, Jerry. I've traveled alone many times, and never has one incident ever happened. Never."

"You've been lucky.", Jerry replied nonchalantly.

"I've been smart.", replied Anne, who looked at the young boy with an angry look in her eyes.

"So then both. Whatever.", said the boy, still in the same tone of voice.

Gilbert always seemed to be amused by the scene unfolding in front of him, he couldn't help but smile.

Jerry noticed the young man's smile, so he said, "Even Gilbert agrees."

"Oh no, I-", Gilbert tried to react.

"At least acknowledge that I don't need both of you.", she insisted again in a firm tone.

"When's the last time you drove a sleigh?", Jerry asked sarcastically, then added, "Auction a horse or possessions?"

Anne didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, the young boy with the brown curls said, "I think he has a point, maybe two..."

This immediately made the girl sigh, and then she stared at Gilbert, "Oh, I didn't know you were an expert at pawning possessions...", she mumbled as she settled into the sled.

Simultaneously, Gilbert and Jerry exchanged glances, one was a bit amused and the other was just exhausted from the redhead's behaviour.

As the boys were getting ready to get on the sleigh, a girl's voice was heard.


"Diana! W-What are you doing here?", Asked Anne, who was not expecting to see her friend today, she got off the sleigh and moved towards her. The young brunette came running, she was out of breath.

But her friend froze when she saw Gilbert, signaled to the redhead to come closer and whispered, "Why is Gilbert still in your home?"

"I...I'll explain it later...", the girl whispered in turn.

"Anyway, I'm so glad I caught you. I brought you something to sell.", Said the young brunette, speaking in a normal voice again, while showing her objects which were in a small cloth bag, she showed her a pretty brush.

"Oh... Oh, Diana, are you sure?", Anne worried.

"Of course I'm sure.", she said. 

Then the two friends hugged each other and smiled, "Thank you.", said the young redhead.

At the same time, Marilla left the house to join them and say goodbye to the children. The young girl then rushed to put Diana's possessions into the sleigh, so that the woman with the bun wouldn't notice.

"Morning, Diana.", said the old woman.

"Good Morning, Miss Cuthbert.", replied the young brunette courteously, "I just came to say goodbye."

Marilla gave Anne a food basket and said, "Be sure to get to Miss Barry's before nightfall. Be safe."

"We will. Be sure to tell Matthew not to worry.", The young girl smiled, then kissed the old woman's cheek, "Everything will be all right. You'll see."

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