Chapter 1 - You have to decide to live a life with no regrets

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Anne ran across the snowy plains, she was panting, she had to hurry before it was too late, she was supposed to run headlong without ever looking back. This was undoubtedly what it meant to live a life with no regrets?

Before that, she was determined to turn the page and forget Gilbert. It wasn't her fault after all, that stupid boy didn't understand. How could he not understand what she was trying to do? She just wanted to share her experience as an orphan, she just wanted to reassure him, to tell him that he could probably cope better than she did. Maybe she had expressed herself a bit badly, maybe she shouldn't have minimized the loss of his father. But she had never lost someone she loved, she was a baby when she lost her parents. There had been Mr. Hammond, but she couldn't say that she regretted him very much because he had inflicted so much on her.

Fortunately Gilbert will never have to be in a foster home, he will never have to do the chores for a whole family and take care of children. He would have the choice to live the life he wants, even to leave Avonlea if he wished. What if he had already left? This thought made her run even faster, she even missed falling into the snow several times, so she seemed to have lost control of her legs, she almost flew over the snow.

When she finally arrived in front of the Blythe's house, she stopped and took a deep breath, then put her braids back on as if to appear relaxed, as if she hadn't just rushed from the Barry's house.

She walked towards the porch and breathed in again, finally raising her hand and knocking on the front door glass.

Once it was done, she waited several seconds, it seemed like an eternity to her. She had even had time to think that she hadn't really been able to figure out what she could say to him. She didn't even have time to panic about it, that the door opened, Gilbert was standing there in front of her. She noticed immediately that he had bruises on his face, what had happened to him? Had he been in a fight? But what she noticed most of all was his always melancholy look, he seemed sad and lost. And seeing that expression on his face, was such a torment for her, she didn't really understand why? She was supposed to hate Gilbert Blythe, so why was it so painful for her to see him sad?

Now she would even be happy to see his smug smile again, he might even brag or think he's smarter than her. No matter, she didn't want to see him unhappy anymore.

"Gilbert.", she says gasping.

"Anne... Hello.", He replied surprised.

"I'm really sorry to bother you, but...I-I wanted to say I owe you an apology.", said the young redhead awkwardly.

The young boy cleared his throat, "Hm. No, you don't."

"Yes, I do.", she replied firmly.

"I should apologize to you."

"No, you shouldn't."

"I was rude."

"But it was my fault."

"Can we please no argue for once?", asked the young boy, who had remained calm until now.

"Can you stop contradicting me?", she replied in a firm tone, which made him grinning a little,, "Gilbert... I am very sorry that I wasn't more sensitive about your father, and what losing him really meant for you."

"It's water under the bridge.", he replied with a small smile.

"I couldn't understand it then, but I think I understand it now.", Then she sighed, "Anyway."


The two children looked into each other's eyes for a brief moment, as if they were finally connected.

"I-I'm not bothering you any longer.", said the girl, interrupting the exchange of glances, as she was about to leave.

"You didn't bother me. To tell the truth...Can I invite you in? Can I offer you a drink?", he asked, making a small grimace, a little afraid of her answer.

That's how Anne understood, that the young boy must have felt desperately lonely, who had he been talking to these last few days?

Then she replied with a shy laugh, "It's true, I am a bit thirsty."

Moments later, the two children were around the kitchen table with a cup of hot tea in their hands.

Unconfidently the dark-haired boy said, "I don't know if I know how to prepare tea very well, but... my father wasn't complaining."

"I's not so bad.", She answered hesitantly.

She had a view of the living room, and saw that there were white sheets covering the furniture, "What are you planning to do? Are you going to come back to school?"

"How could I?", he replied with a nervous sneer, "I'm alone now, it will be impossible to farm on my own and continue going to school. Besides... I don't want to be a farmer."

"But, you want to quit school?", she says worried.

"Not really. I just... I don't know what to do.", he finally admitted with some pain.

"I'm sure Marilla and Matthew would be happy to help you."

"But it's not up to them to help me. I... I've seen them these last few days, they are really nice people. But... I could never give them the device back, so it's excluded."

"I would like you to come back to school though, I miss you.", She simply let go, not even realizing what she had just said.

"Yeah?", he asked with a slight grin on his face.

Then she realized what she had just said, so she tried to correct herself, "I-I mean at school, I miss you at school. There's no one to compete with."

"You want to spell out a few words for old time's sake?", he asked with a teasing smile.

The girl sneered at the boy's remark, "How about... truce?", and she reached out her arm to the boy to shake his hand.

He did the same, and shook her hand as he spelled out, "T-R-U-C-E. Moody would've gotten that wrong.", This made both children laugh.

"He would've!", said Anne, laughing.

When Anne saw the young man laughing, she immediately thought it was the most satisfying thing of the day, yet it was a simple laugh, but it meant so much.

Then she got up from her chair, "I should go now, but... promise me if you decide to go, let me know.", she said worriedly.

The young boy stood up in turn, "I-", but he didn't even have time to finish his sentence, so she interrupted him.

"...But if you finally decide to stay, please visit us at Green Gables.", said the young girl who was always so concerned.

The dark-haired boy smiled, "I'll do it."

So she left the house, she simply nodded her head to the young man and walked away. She was relieved to have been able to say what was on her heart, but she still had a terrible weight on her stomach. Why did she feel this way? Was she finally afraid that this was the last time she would see Gilbert Blythe?


Note: For those who follow me, another new fic on Awae, I know! The Nanowrimo has boosted me! Let's hope I can finish all these fics! (I love them all so much). I hope you'll enjoy it, I was really excited to write a fic on Anne and Gilbert in season 1, because it's so rare, this fic promises to be long! Well, I promise I'll stop creating new fics before I finish them! I finished 1/4 of them, that's already something! ^^"

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