Chapter 3 - Life takes an unsuspected path

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The next morning, Anne and Marilla were preparing to leave for Carmody's bank. The young redheaded girl kissed Matthew's cheek, while his older sister stood staring at them with some sorrow. Gilbert was also present, he had volunteered to watch over the old man while they were away.

"Thank you again Gilbert for offering to take care of Matthew.", said the woman with the bun.

"I'll do my best.", replied the young boy. Indeed, he was a tad too accustomed to this kind of situation. His father had been sick for so long that it was a habit for him. And seeing Matthew in this condition brought back painful memories.

A few hours later, Marilla and Anne had arrived in Carmody, they were now at the bank, both settled in the banker's office.

"This is most irregular. Where is Mr. Cuthbert?", asked the banker who seemed to be reading the accounts.

"Indisposed. Un-unfortunately. I'm here on his behalf.", replied the old woman who did not seem familiar with the environment.

"Most irregular...", added the old man.

"My brother has suffered a heart attack. It'll be many months until he is well.", She explained sadly. The young redhead sitting next to her remained silent but very attentive to the conversation.

"Difficult news, indeed.", replied the banker.

"Yes. I'm...We're... Matthew and I are wondering about the terms of the loan... and if we might get an extension on the payments."

"The terms of the loan are clear. Mr. Cuthbert was the asset we invested in."

"That's why I'm hoping to light of the situation?"

"It seems you don't understand. This loan is now a bad risk. I'm going to have to exercise this clause here to pull the loan back.", he said, pointing to the clause in the contract.

"Pull it back?", The woman with the bun looked more confused than ever, so she glanced at the girl beside her.

"What exactly does that mean?", asked Anne, seeing the call for help in Marilla's eyes.

The banker was beginning to lose his patience, he sighed, "I have already stated that Mr. Cuthbert is the asset. If he is not able to work the land, then we must call in the loan by the end of the month. I'm sorry, but if there's no potential for return on our investment, the investment must be returned or the property forfeit. It is all right there."

The young redhead and the old woman looked at each other, they were more concerned than ever, and seemed in shock.

Meanwhile in Green Gables, Gilbert was reading a book he had found in the house, it was The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne, when he picked up the book from a chair in the living room, he couldn't help but think that Anne was probably reading it.

Matthew was always bedridden, so the young man went to see him from time to time to see if everything was okay, but each time he seemed to be in a deep sleep. When he got up from the chair where he was reading to visit the old man again, he took the book with him this time.

He gently opened the door, and saw that the frail man was awake.

"Oh, Gilbert.", Matthew said, and seemed surprised to see the dark-haired boy.

"Hello Mr. Cuthbert. Are you well?"

"I... I didn't know you were here.", said the old man in a weak voice.

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