The End

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As you can see, this is not an update, I decided that I would not do a sequel to this fic. Many of you may know this, but I have several fics in progress.

I can't manage to get back to writing as much as I used to, mental fatigue has played a big role.

So I had to make a decision, to relieve my mind a bit by ending some things I started. Most of all, the arrival of a big project got the better of me, I can't afford to write as much anymore.

So instead of leaving you waiting for a possible sequel, which will probably never come, I prefer to announce you that I stop writing this fan fiction.

I wrote this fic at first because I was looking for a story of this kind to read, so if there are any fanfic writers among you, and you feel like starting a sequel to this one, go for it!

If you ever do, leave me a link to your story, I'll be happy to read it!

Finally, I'm sorry if there are disappointed people who were waiting for a sequel, but I prefer to stop now on a chapter without too much suspense, although the continuation I confess that I would have liked to share it. But I have to think about my well-being first.

I won't even tell you what I had planned initially, just to let your imagination do the rest.

Thanks again for reading these few chapters!

Mlle Ritournelle.

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