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"..." > talking
*...* > thinking
(...) > A/N

No one's POV

As the morning sun rose and the sun slithered through the small crack in the curtain landing softly on the lovers faces. Tsukishima was the first to wake up of the two, he looked down at his lover cuddled up into his chest. He softly smiled as the golden hue blessed the others face with morning light. He gently kissed Hinata's forehead not wanting wake him up and brought him even closer to his chest. He slowly grabbed his phone beside him and began to browse on his phone relocating from one app to another. He checked the time and saw it was 10:08 AM, knowing he had to wake the peaceful boy in his grasp, he peppered his face with kisses until he woke from his slumber. Hinata woke up and looked up groggily at Tsukishima.

"G'morning Kei" Hinata said. Still tired, he attempted to snuggle back into Tsukishima wanting to sleep but was refrained from doing so when Tsukishima suddenly stood up. Hinata whined as his lover parted from and buried his head into his pillow.

Though muffled he still managed to hear his lover say "wake up sleepy head it's past ten and i dont want to sleep away this day as well Sho," Hinata groaned but still sat up, pouting at the boy standing for disturbing his precious sleep. Tsukishima sat back down on the bed, knowing Hinata won't go back to sleep, and brought the pouty boy on to his lap. Hinata buried his head into the crook of Tsukishima's neck and wrapped his arms around him. Tsukishima picked up the said boy and walked away from the bed before dropping him on the floor by the door.

"Let's get ready now," Tsukishima said with a snicker before opening the door and heading to the bathroom. Hinata pouted once again as he was left behind but begrudgingly stood up and walked to the bathroom. He was met up with Tsukishima brushing his teeth. Hinata walked up to him and proceeded to brush his teeth as well. Tsukishima ruffled Hinata's hair when he finished brushing his teeth and told him that he was going to wait in his bedroom so he can shower first.

After they finished their morning routine (Tsukishima did shower btw) and changed into their outfits for the day.

What Hinata wore :

What Tsukishima wore:

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What Tsukishima wore:

"What should we do for the day?" Tsukishima asked

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"What should we do for the day?" Tsukishima asked.
"I don't know,,, shouldn't you know since you woke me up?" Hinata looked at Tsukishima with an 'are you serious' face. Tsukishima looked away pretending he didn't hear what Hinata said. They thought for a while trying to think of something to do but that was short lived as Natsu barged in to the room and begging to go to the park nearby.
IF YOU TAKE ME!!" Natsu begged. Hinata and Tsukishima laughed as they agreed to go to the park with her. They had nothing else to do so why not go?
"Alright, alright. Go get ready and then we'll head out." Natsu nodded eagerly and ran to her room to change.
"Should we head downstairs and wait for her?" Tsukishima asked. Hinata nodded as he stood up and dragged Tsukishima with him. They headed downstairs and greeted Hinata's mum in the kitchen. They sat down at the dining table waiting for the little angel to get dressed.


Hellooo and thank you for reading i hope you enjoyed it!! I don't have anything to say so byee <3

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