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"..." > Talking
*...* > Thinking
(...) > A/N

No ones POV

Hinata was abruptly woken up by his Mum on a Saturday as she pulled his blanket away from him in a sharp manner. "Wake up!" She called out. Hinata groaned, unmotivated to comply to his mother's wishes. She kept shouting and tapping his back for him to wake up. Eventually, he woke up and complained saying "I'm up! I'm up!" Moving away from the bed. He dragged his feet to the bathroom and completed his morning routine.

Tsukishima had suffered a similar fate to Hinata. Forced out of his bed with no remorse and to get ready for whatever his Mum planned for the day. Though he did follow orders his Mum gave him without much refusal like Hinata. Even if his mouth spewed out complains as he walked to the bathroom. His mother headed to the kitchen with chuckles leaving her mouth hearing her youngest son critiquing waking up early in the morning.

Both their Mums told them to change into something presentable for the day.

Due to the condition Hinata picked out a plain black shirt and a matching caramel suit to pair it with the shirt. He also picked out some platform ankle boots to complete the look. (Exclude the bag from the picture)

Whereas, Tsukishima picked out a black long sleeve shirt and a cropped washed-out beige button up pairing it with coffee coloured tailored trousers

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Whereas, Tsukishima picked out a black long sleeve shirt and a cropped washed-out beige button up pairing it with coffee coloured tailored trousers. He wore black loafers to match his outfit.

After they finished changing they both went to their respective dining rooms to meet up with their Mum

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After they finished changing they both went to their respective dining rooms to meet up with their Mum.

With Hinata~

"Mum, why did you wake me up so early? Especially on a Saturday," Hinata questioned. She looked up from the food she was making to Hinata and said "we are going somewhere," her answer made Hinata suspicious so he further interrogated her asking "where though?" Hinata's Mum laughed and kept with her equivocated answers saying "you'll know when we get there." Hinata nodded knowing he won't be getting a proper answer from his mother. He began to eat the food in front of him and listened to Natsu talk animatedly about her favourite TV show.

𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓼𝓸 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 ~ 𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓲𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓪 ~Where stories live. Discover now