• 15 •

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"..." > Talking
*...* > Thinking
(...) > A/N

No on's POV

Natsu finally finished changing and met with everyone downstairs. She quickly ate her breakfast, eager to go to the park. After she finished eating she grabbed the two boys arms and pulled them to the door. The boys just laughed, letting them be dragged by the youngest. They slipped on their shoes before heading out to the park. The park was about 15 minutes away which wasn't that long. Natsu was in between the lovers, Hinata on her right and Tsukishima on her left, swinging their arms as excitement filled her.

Arriving at the park, Natsu ran off to the play area and Hinata shouted behind her "Don't run Natsu!" Hinata having to keep his eye on her jogged after her, making sure that she was in his line of sight. Once he arrived at the play area, he looked behind him noticing Tsukishima wasn't behind him. Tsukishima was walking leisurely towards him and Hinata smiled softly while giving him a small wave. He waited until Tsukishima arrived next to him before he walked to a bench in the playground to sit down. They both reunited and Hinata grabbed the taller's hand and took him to the nearby bench he noticed. The park wasn't packed so it was easy to spot the tiny ginger. Hinata laid his head on Tsukishima's shoulder tired from running after Natsu.

"You ok?" Tsukishima asked the smaller.
"Yeah, just tired from running after her," Hinata replied tilting his head to look up at Tsukishima.
"Don't you have unlimited energy?" Tsukishima teased. "Yeah, and i can use it to beat the fuck out of you," Hinata replied in a mocking tone.
"Pfft as if you can reach me" The younger taunted.
"Maybe but i can definitely reach your kneecaps so i might watch out if i were you." Hinata giggled as he said that. Tsukishima's lips curled into a soft smile as he heard the giggle. He looked down at Hinata before ruffling his hair. The smaller just leaned his head even more in to Tsukishima's touch.

Natsu's POV (omg we have a new pov)

As I was playing in the park, i looked up to see what my brother was doing only to find him leaning on Tsuki nii-san's shoulder. I smiled teasingly as i knew they were dating. It was pretty obvious and i don't know how mum hasn't noticed they were together and not pining eachother. I wonder when they will reveal it to her. Mum already knew Onii-chan is gay so it wasn't surprising that he got a boyfriend. *ahh, i want to take pictures of them. Hmph.* I continued playing, though i was annoyed that i couldn't take pictures of them being cute with each other.

No one's POV (oop we back)

As the boys were chilling, watching over Natsu, and having a different conversations every 5 minutes. They were approached by someone as they heard their names or actually insults being called out. "Boke? Beanstalk?" They turned their head knowing who called out to them. "Kageyama! What are you doing here?" Hinata questioned. Tsukishima also turned around with an uninterested face.
"I was walking around. What are you doing here with the salty beanpole... holding hands?" He asked becoming even more confused as be saw them holding hands and being so close. The two boys looked at their hands and looked up not even separating them. Tsukishima looked up with a smirk and said "hm, well we're dating. Why you jealous i took you're partner?" Kageyama looked at Tsukishima like he said the lamest joke and responded saying "the fuck, no, ew. You can have him but congrats boke i guess" he shrugged but then received a phone call. He picked up and then turned away to leave as his mum called him telling him to come home.

When he left from their sight Hinata broke out into laughter. "What the fuck? Why would he be jealous, he's my bestfriend?" Hinata said as he broke into more laughter. Tsukishima looked at Hinata and pulled him into his lap. Hinata let out a yelp from the sudden movement. "Well i had to be sure and it's funny taunting the king like that" Tsukishima replied tightening his grip on the small boy. Hinata smiled at the taller and gave him a peck on his cheek "that, i must say, is true" Hinata retorted. Hinata began thinking for a while looking at Natsu (i have not forgot her don't worry) and spoke up asking "can we tell my mum we are together? I can wait if you aren't ready but i think she already knows or at least that we like each other," Tsukishima thought for a while still holding the other on his lap. "Sure why not, i mean she has made multiple references of us being together. Might as well confirm it to her."

Hinata smiled at him and gave him another peck but on his lips this time. Before Hinata could pull back Tsukishima held Hinata's face and brought him in to a deeper kiss. The kiss lasted for about two minutes and was filled with love and innocence. After they broke apart they both gently smiled at each other, while looking lovingly in to each other's eyes. This was broken though as a small ginger began whining saying she was hungry. The two blushed as they looked away from each other and at Natsu.
"I think theres a cafe close by, do you wanna go there?" Tsukishima asked. Natsu's eyes lit up with happiness as he nodded her head and started saying "lets go! Lets go!" The two boys got up and started walking to the cafe.

Once they got to the cafe and headed inside, they noticed it was quite packed. Hinata checked his phone for the time and saw it was 5:30 PM. "We have to head home after this." Hinata said to the other two. "Why?" Natsu questioned. "It's 5:30 Nat-chan" Natsu pouted but nodded her head in understanding. They arrived at the counter and ordered their food, it took about 7 minutes to arrive, and they headed to an empty table. They only got something small knowing that they would be having dinner later. Tsukishima agreed that he would eat with the Hinata's but head home after because of school. It didn't take long to finish their food. They left the cafe at 5:55 PM and began to head home.

This chapter is probably my longest i've made. Well then- Anyways, Hii and thank you for reading!! I didn't manage to reach my goal in chapter 4 and still have yet to complete this story but it's okay because i'm enjoying this and seeing people enjoy this mess! This book managed to go above 800 reads and like it's so close to 1k like what did i do to deserve this??? But thats all from me so byee <3

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