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No one's POV

At the after-party of the wedding~

The cake was cut as much as it was stuffed in to each other's faces, and soon it was time for the bouquet throw. Tsukishima and Hinata both agreed to throw it together and gathered everyone to the main floor. The tables were out of the way and all non-married people located themselves on the floor. Even Kageyama was on the floor and he was single.

Some were eager for the flowers while others were more neutral. The two lovers began a count-down and so the anticipation filled the air. The bouquet was thrown and people were jumping and reaching out for the bouquet but then there was Kageyama with champagne in his hand where he pretended to grab the flying flowers only to gulp all of his drink in one go.

Yachi was the one who managed to catch the flowers. Though it was all coincidental. Shock was present in her face and cheers could be heard from the crowd. She looked to her boyfriend and a shy smile was shown on her face. "Well, I guess we're going next then." Yamaguchi said with a joyous laugh. He brought Yachi in to his embrace and gave her a kiss on the crown of her head. Yachi could never be happier knowing that the next step to their relationship was near.

Hi! So this was lingering in my mind for a while now and i stupidly forgot to add it to the main story so here it is! I also wanted to give something to all of you for all the support you all have shown so i hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter!! Byee <3

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