New day, New things |Chapter 10|

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               (song optional)  

                                                        Vanessa's POV

      I woke up to the smell of toast and birds chirping outside my window. I sat up from my bed and stretched my arms quickly checking my phone on twitter. I tweeted we would have a video today like we do every week, our dad already edited the one from last week so we should be good. I get up from my bed and walk to my bathroom. I peed first then started my skincare routine, after that I brush my teeth and started my makeup. I finished and went down stairs to find something to eat, I saw my sister making some avocado toast, I stole one from her as she whined while I laugh, I go upstairs with it and look for a outfit, I decided to wear this.:(if u cant see  pants its just black jeans)

       I took a picture of it and posted it on my Instagram story, I finished my toast and grabbed my bag and said bye to my family and pets before exiting the front door

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       I took a picture of it and posted it on my Instagram story, I finished my toast and grabbed my bag and said bye to my family and pets before exiting the front door. I decided I will walk instead, its a nice day today, the wind was calm, felt soothing as it blew my hair while i walk down the side walk. I arrived at the double door building and walked in, going in the main office to check in and get my attendance, trying to see if I had any other news, I grabbed my stuff and headed to room 125.I walked in and it smelled nice, I saw Grayson there as he lifted his head up from his laptop and smiled, he had a candle on.

     "Good morning Ms. Merrell" He smiled.

            "Good morning to you too Dolan." I laughed and went to my desk. "Smells lovely in here." I state.

    "Its me and my brothers candle its called self-love." He showed me." You want one?"

        "Sure, I could really use one. "I smiled and he handed a packed one from his drawer.

     "So, what should we do first period? "He asked.

             I took out my folder and got some papers with ideas. I scanned the sheet. "We can teach the kids how to learn letters and how to spell their name."

     "Oooo nice, and maybe after they can try some math. "he continues.

       "Perfect, then we can watch a brain pop on dinosaurs, I'm sure they will love that."

   "Then lunch. "he chuckled.

       "Then we can continue our ideas after. "I smiled.

         I opened my laptop and responded to some emails, we had another 30 minutes left so I set up the room a bit and wrote on the board, as I was writing I felt someone staring at my, I turned around and Grayson wasn't there.

      "Heh thats weird. "I say.

   I go to turn around back to the board.

        "Whats weird? "Grayson appeared next to me.

     I jumped up and hit his shoulder.

      "Owwww." He groaned.

  "Dont do that, I got scared."

He started laughing as i crossed my arms with a annoyed face.

       "Really dude?" I asked -_-

     "You should of seen your face, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I'm sorry tho." He goes for a hug but I backed away.

   "Ew no, remember, cooties." I smirked.

      "Wow, nice one. "He laughed and picked up a marker and wrote other stuff down.

  I drew flowers on the board with butterflies. He watched me draw and kind of colored it in. He messed up my flower.

    "Heyyyyy, watch your hands blindy."I snapped at him.

  "I'm trying to help, Ms. Karen. "He snapped back.

   "Wow, really called me Karen."

    "Yes. "He smiled and continued.

  I put the marker away and opened the door.

    "Where you goin?"

      "To get the kids, remember? Its time." I exit the room.

   "Wait for me! "He yelled like a little kid and followed me down the stairs.

    we got the kids to the classroom and they all sat and unpack, Grayson was helping a kid with his coat and i waited till everyone was ready.

        "Okay class, today we are going to learn, how to spell your name !"I smiled

    They just stared at me like as if they could care less, I give them paper and thought them on how to write each letter, then I gave them a sticker with their names on it so they can write and learn it. Most of them got the hang of it which made me so happy they were learning.

------------------Skip to lunch--------------------------------------

          We dropped the kids off at the cafeteria and I grabbed my bag to leave to get something to eat.

     "Hey." Grayson spoke. "Can I come with?"

    "Sure. "I replied "What would u like to eat?" I asked.

    "I know this great vegan restaurant, we should go."

   I nodded as a agreement and we both left. We walked to his car.

        "Hop in." He told me as I opened the passenger seat.

    "Oooo nice."

    He chuckled and I looked at him. He looked at me back and started the car. I smiled and looked at the window. I started to drift off as I thought of how amazing he his, I smiled at the thought. I saw him park which ment we arrived, we got out the car and entered the building.


THANKS FOR READING AND TY FOR 230 READS!!! really it means alot knowing people enjoy reading this,ill try to write as much as i can,i love you,have a nice day -Ashley <3

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