Loose Pages (part 4)

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Part four baby!!

Last part, we're moving on after this. But I'll be giving you guys the much awaited moment for them, it's that time!! Enjoy!

Also also! This some sad stuff so warnings

Tw: harrassment(?), and panic attack

Skip the parts with that if it makes you uncomfortable of course, it made me kinda uncomfortable writing it, don't push your through it! It'll get really fluff after to make up for it I promise! :)


The sunlight shone brightly outside, beaming through Jimmy Jr's open bedroom window. He turned on his side as the light had fallen on his face, disturbing his sleep.

Morning dew melted down the window pane and cascaded down to land in tiny water droplets on the window sill, bringing upon the start of a new season. Birds chirped softly along the early day noise of loud and bustling traffic outside, making the picturesque feel of the morning damper a bit. The boy stirred slightly in his bed, groaning at the thought of being up just yet.

He felt something buzz against his bare arm, furthering to awaken him from his slumber. Jimmy's eyes flutter open, peering down to see what had decided to disturb him—his phone. The late teen's brows furrowed together in thought, perplexed by why his phone wasn't plugged in and on his side table as it usually was when he'd wake up. He picked up the phone from the mattress and turned it on, feeling the blue light hit his face, only to be met with a swarm of messages clogging his lockscreen. He swiped away the ones labeled 'e-mail', deciding he'd answer them later today once he had woken up.

After successfully clearing half of the notifications, most being e-mails, he ruffled his ginger locks lightly to try and get rid of the icky feeling the boy felt at the state of his hair. Jimmy Jr sighed tiredly and continued looking through notifications, he briefly read the messages Zeke sent him before swiping them away; his friend only messaging about the show he'd watched last night. Apparently some character dead or something, the teen wtas really sure but he didn't care much anyway. His friend would rant about it the next time they see each anyway.

Soon enough he only had two ones left, he sighed again deeply as he attempted to rub the sleep out of his eyes. The boy looked back down towards the screen, his breath getting caught in his throat as he jade green eyes read over the name of who messaged him: Angel 💖—the contact name he'd given Tina after their first date.

It's been three months since that wonderful night, the two had been talking almost every day and had had more dates since then. He'd forgotten how many but he's sure it probably was a lot. Even if they've known one another for awhile now, he couldn't help but still melt every time he heard her voice grace his ears.

He looked up to see what the one of the notification was, before reading whatever messages she'd sent him, "Angel 💖 ended call" it read.

Suddenly Jimmy Jr was hit with the actions of the night before, memories of what happen crashing over him like a giant wave. The boy's face become increasingly warm with a fresh flush of red that tinted his cheeks, his heart pounding inside his chest.

Jimmy Jr had been laying on the couch sleepily for hours that night, he'd been trying to catch up on one of the shows he usually watched—missing episodes because of work—but had been close to falling asleep the entire time; tired from just getting off work. Eventually he'd decided it be best to just go to bed, opting to rewatch the episodes when he had an off-day instead. The boy lifted himself off the arm of the sofa and stumbled towards the direction of his room, yawning.

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