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Kinda super sad, brace yourselves pals! You get dramatic Jimmy though so.. possible win?


The cold wind blew through Jimmy's curly orange locks, nipping at his cheeks almost painfully, as he gazed up at the starry blue sky above him.

After standing near the refreshment table for almost the whole night, he'd decided to sit out on the balcony for a bit. Clear his head. He was freezing and he could see the puffs of breath dance around the air as they escaped his chapped lips, his bones feeling like they were covered in ice but he stayed outside anyway. Tears sat stagnant in the rim of his murky green eyes, they didn't dare fall though..

The feeling of sadness overwhelmed him but no more tears could relieve him of his pain. He had had accepted it anyway, he was cursed to have this pain. To feel this anguish.

Jimmy Jr sighed softly, she's gone now.. he told himself. What he had been telling himself for months now, it was useless to keep the feelings when there was nowhere to give them to.

He loved Tina, he loved her, but she didn't love him.

This was her wedding, she was getting married. And here he was, mopping once more. He hated himself for making her big day all about him, all about his pain. The sound of the distant party music coming from inside echoed in his ears, knowing that probably no one had noticed his absence. Hell he was sure they probably didn't even notice that he was not dancing before he left for the balcony. He wasn't sure why he even came, that's a lie, he knew. He came for Tina.

The girl had called him one day out the blue, talking at a fast pace excitedly. She was inviting him to her wedding, he could feel his heart physically drop in his chest at that moment.

"I would love it if you came! I really want you to come Jims.."

He couldn't tell her no, he couldn't. The word "yes" slipped from his lips before he even really thought about it. Now he was alone when he should be having fun at the party, but his mind wouldn't let him. His was turmoiled by his feelings for Tina, he was an Icarus and flown too close to the sun for his health and now he lays broken on the ground. Alone and in pain, the only things he seems to get in life.

"Jimmy Jr! There you are! Ugh- I've been looking all over for you!"

Right.. the speech.. he thought sadly, he had promised to do a speech as Tina's guy of honour. Yes, the girl has both a maid of honour and a guy of honour(the girl dragging him was the maid of honour). The groom also has two people, a best man and a best gal. Tina had two people she wanted as her head people that were important to her and so did the groom, both are indecisive so they did both.

"You have to do your big speech, Tina's been anxiously looking around for you for the past 10 minutes!" One of Tina's college friends yelled at him, he never bothered to remember her name, starting to drag him back inside. He huffed, letting the shorter girl drag him back in.

When they entered, most of the guests turned to look at the two as she announced her victory in finding the sad young man. Not a very hard task since he was standing in clear view of the balcony door way, people just didn't to look there since they didn't think he was that much of a dramatic diva to wallow in sorrow like the breakup scene in a shitty romcom. They were wrong, very wrong.

Before he knew it, he was pushed up on to the small stage area to begin his speech-which he hadn't really prepared. Great. He glanced to the side to see Tina and the groom seated together, separated in their own little spot away from the rest of the people.

Jimmy Jr x Tina OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now