A Glass of Beer (Part 1)

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Okay so- little context, this is an au I've thought up. Has no real correlation with the canon show, besides from the characters, Jimmy Jr and Zeke being friends and a few other things. Also Jimmy Jr and Zeke didn't grow up with the Belcher kids so they don't know know eachother whatsoever. So basically after a bad break up Jimmy Jr is heartbroken and is essentially just having a bad time- Zeke trying to convince him he should go out, he eventually does and mets a girl at a bar after Zeke forced him to go. More stuff happens but I don't want to spoil it 😉


Jimmy Jr walked sluggishly down the streets of New Jersey alone, the autumn air nipping at his neck and ears. His feet dragged along the damp pavement as he bundled the scarf tighter around his neck, trying to save the little heat in his body that he had.

The late teen had just left his girlfriend's apartment complex after finishing up a heated argument he'd rather forget, well, ex-girlfriend now. Jimmy Jr had found out his now ex-girlfriend Amanda has been cheating on him with more than a few guys.

They had been cuddled on Amanda's living room sofa watching movies that afternoon, the two of them not having work that day and not having any college lectures they needed to attend. She had just gotten up to make a new bowl of popcorn when her phone vibranted. Her phone had been sitting on the wooden coffee table infront of them. After it vibranted, Jimmy Jr had called to the girl in the kitchen to tell her. She'd told him to check it for her and read what it was out loud.

The boy had shedded the blanket that had been wrapped around both of them and picked up the phone from the table. He pressed the power button and there was one notification, a text message. The name read Ryan. "Who the hell is Ryan?" He'd wondered. Checking on the notification and read the message he had sent, "hey baby~ you free tonight?" It read. He felt his skin crawl and his blood boil, he wanted to type an angry reply. Describing in detail how wrong it is to send such a thing to a woman if they aren't interested or already taken, but he stopped. "Wait- she had this guy saved under an alias, does that mean they know one another?" He asked himself. Jimmy Jr hesitated for a moment before scrolling up, and he saw something that made his stomach churned. Amanda had been talking- no, flirting and setting up met ups with this Ryan guy for about a week. They had been sending some pretty vulgar things to eachother in the time they had been conversing, Amanda and him didn't even talk in such a way and they were in a relationship.

Amanda had walked back into the room, a large of bowl buttery popcorn in hand. "Who was the text from baby?" The girl asked sweetly, acting like she hadn't been betraying his trust this whole time. Jimmy Jr was heart broken. "Babe? What's the matter?" She called out to him as she sat the bowl down on the table and took a seat next to him on the sofa.

He turned his head towards Amanda "who's Ryan?" Jimmy Jr asked, completely devoid of any emotions as he rubbed his thumb across his palm. The teen had sat the phone back down on the coffee before the other had walked back into the room.

The girl sat next to him sputtered "what? What are you talking about?" She said as she nervously laughed, cracking a wide smile. "You know exactly what I'm talking about!" He shouted, as he stood up suddenly. "Ryan was the person who texted you just now." He stated firmly to her.

"You're being ridiculous, Ryan is just a classmate!"

"Really?" He huffed out at her, standing at his tallest. "Really!" Amanda shot back to him, standing up from her seat on the the sofa. The Pesto boy was furious! His eye twitched in anger.

He began pacing around the room, "okay, but as far as I know, 'just classmates' don't text eachother 'hey baby~ you free tonight?'" Jimmy said brusquely. The girl looked shocked by what he said.

Jimmy Jr x Tina OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now