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Jimmy Jr be needyyyy

Give the boy affection


It was late morning, Tina sat comfortable with a book propped up as her boyfriend laid peacefully on her chest; still sleeping.

Tina flipped a page, reading contently. This was her favourite place to be, cuddled up with Jimmy Jr and enjoying a good book. Nothing could beat it.

She was fully engrossed in her book, when he began to stir in his sleep which to her attention away from her book. Tina moved the book out of her vision but still held it in her hand as she gazed down at the one she truly love, the boy's face scrunched up in distaste as he nuzzled his face into her chest(not like that ya dirty pipes >:( ). She rubbed his back, trying to ease him either back asleep or awake. Jimmy Jr groaned sleepily as his eyes fluttered open, gaze up at his girlfriend.

She chuckled, giving the boy a warm smile as he adjusted himself a bit to be sitting up slightly. She pressed a light kiss to his cheek, making the boy smile as his heart melted. "G'Morning." She greeted, pushing some of his long bangs out of the way of his face. Tina absolutely adored her boyfriend, loving every little bit of him. She loved his fluffy ginger hair, especially when you're able to see how curly it actually was even though the boy hated it. She loved his light freckled that spread around his cheeks like stars in the night sky. Everything about him was beautiful in her eyes.

"Mornin'.." he mumbled out tiredly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with the back of his hand. "What time is it..?" He asked, lazily looking around for the time. Tina glanced over at the clock next to their bed, "11:43am."

He groaned, laying back down on Tina's chest. Her boyfriend was neither a morning person, nor an night person, it was that in-between time where he was actually fully functioning. An afternoon person. She giggled at his apparent tiredness, bringing the book she was reading back in front of her.

"Tina-!" Jimmy Jr whined, pouting at her. Tina rolled her eyes, not looking away from the book "yes?"

"Pay attention to me!" He whined again. She scoffed, "what've I been doing for the last few hours while you slept? I've been giving you nothing but attention." She remarked. He groaned. "But you were reading while I was asleep, I want your full attention!" He demanded, sitting back up. The girl rolled her eyes as she continued to read her book, it was a romance novel that she just recently purchased and was excited to read. The boy huffed, shifting in the bed so he was now straddling Tina; having one leg on either side of her. She still didn't pay any attention to him, which frustrated him, so he decided if he was going to get her attention he has to eliminate his rival—the book. Jimmy Jr picked the book from her hands and placed it on the nightstand next to them, knowing he probably wouldn't get what he wanted if he threw the book, then he laid on top off her; wrapping his arms around the girl's waist. Tina rolled her eyes playfully, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend's upper back "fine, you win."

The boy smiled triumphantly, finally winning the girl's full attention. She kissed his forehead as she began playing with the boy's locks with one of her hands, something Tina knew he secretly loved. He hummed softly at the feeling of her fingers in his hair. It made him feel relaxed. With her other hand she held his cheek with her palm, rubbing her thumb along the smooth pale skin. Admiring the boy's freckled face as he laid there peacefully.

"You're really beautiful, you know that right?" She complimented, placing another kiss to his temple. This made the boy blush, not expecting the sudden compliment. "You're beautiful too.." he mumbled out.

She chuckled, loving when her boyfriend became embarrassed. It was adorable. Tina brought her hand that was playing with his hair to his other cheek, making the boy pout from the lack of attention, bringing Jimmy closer to her. She smirked before pressing a soft kiss to the boy's lips, him instantly melting into it.

The kiss lasted until Tina pulled away, her boyfriend whining from lost feeling of her lips which made her giggle. He leaned in and kissed her again, wanting to feel the warmth of her soft lips again. This kiss lasted a little longer, this time Jimmy pulling away.

He nuzzled into her neck, Tina going back to playing with his hair. "I love you.." he said fondly, pressing a light kiss to her shoulder lovingly. She smiled as she kissed the top of the boy's head, "I love you too."


Had this idea drafted since January, decided to write this instead of studying for a test or writing my essay.

I make great life decisions I know :')

Hope this was fluffy enough to make you feel better after the last story, tried to make it all lovey dovey. Been having ideas for them circling through my head for the last little while, so I'm going to try and actually write them.

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