A Cup of Coffee ☕ (part 2)

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Part two of "A Glass of Beer"! >:)

This one isn't as sad I promise, it'll also be shorter than part one

Jimmy Jr lay quietly in his bed, if you could even call it that. It could be a salad for all we knew with how messing it was, but it was comfortable though to Jimmy Jr. Even if it was the middle of Autumn, the boy laid on top of his covers- perfectly fitted in-between his pillows.

It was rather bitter outside today, chill to the bone bitter. But strangely enough, he only had a t-shirt as his top layer. He knew if anyone saw him they'd scoff and tell him to put a coat on. Even his best friend would thell him that; the boy that went out barefoot, no shirt, and shorts on- in the middle of winter while there's 4 feet of snow on the ground. The man was a hypocrite to say the least.

During highschool, Jimmy Jr usually joked about him being the mom friend whenever the ginger had forgotten his coat or scarf. The brunette would always groan and roll his eyes in annoyance as he continued to wrap a spare scarf or jacket he just so happened to have in his locker, most clearly proving his point.

As Jimmy Jr laid on his- very messy- bed, he couldn't help but think of Tina. He smiled fondly as he thinks back to the night two weeks ago. It had been fun to talk, and especially dance, with her that night. He wouldn't admit it but he's thankful Zeke had forced him to go to the bar with him. If he hadn't, well- he wouldn't of met Tina; the girl that drove his blues away. Jimmy Jr obviously felt sad now and again, but it wasn't as debilitating. He also haven't been thinking of her almost ever now, he only thought of her if he passes a place they used to go or when a show hey used to watch together comes on. But soon after the thought of her came to mind, he'd shake his head and bring himself back to the night at the bar.

On the thought of Tina, he hadn't seen her since that night at the bar. He had been too chicken to ask her for her number, he had been worried she'd stop talking to him if he did.

He remembers the morning after, when he had awoken from staying the night at Zeke's apartment, how his friend reacted when he told him what happened.

Jimmy Jr had woken up surprisingly late that morning, feeling extremely shitty, even though it wasn't from a hangover. He groggily walked into the kitchen to see his friend draping his entire body over the side of the couch.

"Hey man, you okay..?" The teen said as he turned the coffee maker on and started making himself a cup of coffee, wanting to feel not so shitty. Coffee helps drive the morning gremlin away. He heard Zeke grumble something, acting as some sort of response to what ginger had asked.

"Taking that as a no." Neither of them were morning people, but especially post-drunk mornings. They were even worse.

Jimmy had successfully made himself a coffee and made his way to living room where his took a seat on the couch. "I'm going to assume you took the advil I left you, correct?" He spoke quietly, taking a sip from his cup. All he got was a light nod from Zeke. "Still hurts?" Another light nod.

He sighed, let it set in, it'll be fine in a bit."

Awhile passed and his friend was able to stand without wanting to lay on the ground, he flops on the same couch Jimmy Jr sat on and stretched himself out.

"So how'd it going with glasses-girl? I noticed y'all spent a lot of time together."

Jimmy Jr felt his face flush, "first off her name Tina.." he already knew his friend's face had a smug smirk. "Secondly, it went well. She was really fun to talk to.." he couldn't stop himself from smiling at the memory. "Dang man! That's sweet! Wish I was your wingman though, I could've really sold her~" Zeke said proudly as he nudged the other boy's arm with his elbow.

Jimmy Jr x Tina OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now