I'll love you for the both of us, until you learn to love yourself

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TW: contains fat shaming, not much but still be warned if it upsets you, also self-harm

Tina gets insecure about her body after another woman commented on her weight. I head canon Tina to be a little thicker, and carries some weight in her stomach area. All body types are beautiful and I wanted to show a little more representation :) enjoy.


Tina stared into the full-length mirror infront of her with a disapproving gaze. It was hopeless she thought.

I'll never look the way girls are meant to look.. her chocolate brown eyes stared in disapproval at the person who reflected back at her in the mirror, herself. The girl hadn't ever really noticed what she looked like, she never payed much attention to it until this very moment. Her eyes traced over her body as she noticed ever little imperfection, the thickness of her thighs and stomach area, her muffin top, her sloping shoulders, her flabby upper arms and the weirdness of her calves. Tina hated it all.

She couldn't understand how she turned a blind eye to all of this for so long, why'd it take a random woman making a remark about her body for her to see it. Now that she sees it, she can't unsee it. Tina had been running errands a few days ago, it was a hot day so she had put on a tank-top and shorts to try to stay at least a little cooler, she was checking out one of those store signs—y'know the ones that tell you what they sell—when a woman called from behind. It had startled the girl rather badly, she turned around to see a middle aged woman not far from her with an angry expression on her face. The raven-haired stopped in her tracks as the woman came closer, when the woman was practically right infront she started to speak—and rather angrily.

"People like you shouldn't be wearing things like that! It's makes you look ridiculous!"

Tina had been taken aback, both by what the woman said and her tone. She had been confused in the moment for who the lady was referring to when she said "people like you" because to all Tina knew, she looked rather normal. "What do your mean 'people like you'?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow up in confusion. The woman fused as she gesture a hand towards the girl, "you! You fat people, you people look ridiculous trying to wear normal people clothes!" the lady yelled angerily. Tina had stayed quiet, she didn't know what to say to her. When she got home that day she went into the bathroom, Tina couldn't remember why but she needed to see what she looked like in that moment—the things the woman had been repeating inside her head the whole walk him. When she looked at the mirror, a wash of shame hit her. She hated what she saw, maybe she always did and she just didn't realize but it was very present in that moment.

Now the girl stood, in her bra and underwear, in an empty bedroom. She was in the middle of getting dressed when her eyes had caught movement in the mirror that was placed next to the closet. Jimmy Jr was waiting for her in the living room, Tina didn't know how long she had been staring at herself but it probably was awhile. The girl's attention had been fixed on herself, it hurt to look at but she couldn't look away. She turned to the side and stared at her stomach, grasping some of it in her hands. Why do I have to be fat.. she thought bitterly.

As Tina stared into the mirror in front of her, she heard the bedroom door creak open. She flinched and broke her gaze from the mirror to look at who had opened the door, it was Jimmy Jr. They both stood still, both seeming to be surprised. Tina hugged her body as she shifted her gaze to the floor, wishing the boy didn't see her this way. "Tina, is everything okay..? You've been in here awhile, I got a little worried.." Jimmy Jr asked quietly, looking into the girl's eyes for any kind of answers. The girl felt tears begin to brink her eyes as her body began to tremble, she sucked in a breath to try and calm herself but it only made it worse. The boy quickly brought her over to the bed where he wrapped his arms around her, placing her head on his chest as he rubbed tiny circle into her back. Tears cascaded down Tina's face as she felt herself not be able to breathe, she desperately wrapped her shaking hands around Jimmy's torso as the girl gripped his shirt. Eventually her breathing become normal again and the tears slowed. Jimmy Jr gently wiped the stray tears from her cheeks and tucked some hair behind her ear so it was out her face, "do you want to tell me what's bothering you?" the boy asked softly. The girl sighed fiddle with one of her boyfriend's hands mindlessly, should she tell him? She wasn't sure.

"You don't have to tell but I would like to help you if I can.."

Tina swallowed dryly, it was harder than she thought it would be to tell him. She sighed again, glancing up at the boy before looking down again "do you... Do you think I'm ugly..?" she asked in a low voice. Jimmy Jr face twisted in confusion, looking at her with worry "of course not! What made you think I would..?" he felt his heart break. It hurt to hear that Tina thought he didn't think she was beautiful, even for second. "Because I'm fat.." the girl stated bluntly, feeling like she was going to cry again. Jimmy Jr frowned, "Tina.." he said quietly as he cupped the girl's face.

"Tina... look at me, please.."

She moved her gaze from the floor, to his gleaming green eyes. "You're beautiful. Weight doesn't make a person any less beautiful." He said, having a gentle smile, not breaking eye contact with her. Tina felt her heart flutter, a weak smiling appear on her face. She brought her arms around him again but this time to hug him, he happily accepted. "Thanks Jimmy.." she mumbled into his shoulder as he patted her head lightly, "anytime love.."

"I probably won't instantly love myself y'know.." she stated sadly, looking off at the wall in front of her. He smiled, even she couldn't see it, "that's okay, take your time. There's no rush."

He pulled away a bit and planted a light kiss to her forehead, brushing hair out her face—looking at the girl lovingly.

"I'll love you for the both of us, until you can love yourself."


1082 words!!

I know I just posted like a day ago but I wanted to write something that didn't have any over arcing storyline like my other oneshot, wanted a little break y'know! Next oneshot will be fluffier than this one

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