Chapter 3 REWRITE

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Previously on the flow of time

"Hey badge seller can I as-." You pause to see that badge seller wasn't there. 'Dammit he left already and that fast too?' You were bummed he wasn't there. Though you were bumped out it gave you a new hope after seeing badge seller there have to be other people than the mafia that could help you out.

With that newfound realization and hope you went sprinting off to look for more of those pons but also to explore more of mafia town.


You don't know how long it's been since you first started searching for pons. After your encounter with badge seller, you've been searching through Mafia town trying to find the green pons you would expect to find plenty of pons with that handy badge you obtained. Nope even with the badge, it was still difficult trying to find those pons. Throughout your search whenever you heard the sound of faint beeping your excitement rose with every single step and with every single beep your hopes were high about finding the pons. With every step you got closer you imagined how many pons you would find. Would it be ten pons or maybe even twenty pons? But at last, the universe wasn't had to do you dirty.

Once you were able to pinpoint the location you weren't greeted by that luxurious green glow instead you were greeted with a soft red glow. You didnt care that much when you found a heart pon instead even though you were looking for a green pon you still took the pon just in case you ever find yourself injured again. The first time it happened you were okay with it you didnt really care that much the second time it happened you still took the pon though you were quite peeved that this was the second time the third time it happened you thought to yourself 'Don't tell me I'm just gonna find heart pons and that's all right?'

Yeah, you jinxed yourself on that one. Every single time you only found heart pons. Every. Single. Time. Okay maybe you were being too dramatic I mean you were able to find a measly amount of 10 pons in your search. The excitement you had when you heard that beeping sound quickly burnt out now the noise was just a repetitive annoying nuisance. A few times you were tempted to just chuck away the badge but you knew it was a horrible idea though the sound got annoying you still kept on pushing onward on finding those pons.

Hey even though you weren't having much luck on finding pons you should of at least had luck on finding someone that didnt look like those Mafia people right? Yeah wrong again. You swear everywhere you went you would always see that same bald head that same blue suit and that same stubby legs. At this point, you kinda felt like you were about to go insane not just looking at the same people but also searching for those pons.

You were just moments away on giving up on everything until you had a fortunate encounter.


"Ugh, how long do I have to search for these things." You groan. Your once prideful stride was now just reduced to a sluggish walk. You weren't one to walk like such a thing as that especially in front of peers and even when you were by yourself but now you honestly did not just care. 'Did I seriously get played?' You bitterly thought to yourself. Helping a person out when they're hurt, listening to the person vent to you about their problems, and giving them false hope and a phony tool to help them out. You weren't gonna lie that was honestly a pretty smart way to manipulate someone.


That sound brought you out of your thoughts.


Immediately you reach for the badge before another sound could be heard. Your hands were close to it yet you just let your hand hover over it. 'Should I give it one more shot?' You questioned yourself. '...ah screw it.' Even though you've only found heart pons you were gonna give this search one last shot. So you let badge be to go search for the source of the sound.

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