Chapter 5 Rewrite

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Previously on the flow of time

"Just so you know if you try anything," She somehow somewhere brings out an umbrella pointing it at you threateningly. "I will not go easy on you." She finishes. Unfazed you pinch the tip lowering it down. "Don't worry I won't try anything. Now," Rising back up you turn around fixing your coat in the process. "I think it's time for us to take our leave." As you were about to take a step you feel a small handgrip on your lower coat causing you to halt.

"Hold your horses." You hear the Kid speak. Turning your hand you look down at the kid. "If your gonna stay here and help me search we'll have to set up some rules." This time it was her turn to smirk. Oh boy, you do not like the sound of that nor do you like how long it would probably take.


After a long day in Mafia, town nightfall has risen. It was a rainy night with the occasional thunder strikes here and there. Though the loud pitter patters of rain hitting the surface and the loud booms of thunder lit up the clouds somehow with all the loud sounds it created a calming and peaceful atmosphere causing some of the Mafia towns residents to fall into slumber.

However, our setting does not take place in Mafia town not yet at least. While the people of Mafia town are doing their own things all the way up to the sky and into the abyss of space we see a certain duo conversing with one another.


"Kid do we seriously have to talk about these...rules?" You ask gesturing toward the paper pad easel. On the easel, it read Captain's rules with a doodle of Hat Kid and a poorly drawn you. After the deal you made with Hat Kid she brought you into one of the ship's upper rooms which so happened to be a kitchen.

So there you guys were with you sitting on a chair while Hat Kid stood on a chair next to the paper easel. "Look kid I don't know if you knew this by now but Mu is not the patient type and seeing how she isn't the patient type she'll get really mad at us and chew us out for it," You say trying to persuade her. "So now that you know that I think we should get g-" "Nope no can do." Hat Kid says cutting you off.

"Oh come on kid! Listen how bout we go meet up with Mu first then you can explain to me all the rules later huh sounds like a plan right?" You suggest to Hat Kid. Yeah, you knew you honestly sounded like a brat right now but for you, this was the only exception where you didnt need to listen to the rules.

"Why are you so insistent on not listening to my rules?" She questions with an annoyed face followed by a huff of annoyance. "Unless..." She says this time her face contorted into a smug look. "Your embarrassed that you're being ordered around by a oh what did you say again? Oh yeah, 'small child'." She finishes with her smug smile turning upright even more. "I'm not embarrassed." You stated loudly.

"Sounds like someones in denial." She says in a sing songy voice. By now you could feel the heat emitting on your face become much more stronger you swear if you looked at a mirror you would probably look like a tomato. "I-Im not- Y-your the on-" You stuttered out. You let out a groan. Oh how much you wanted to slam your face on the table right now. "Fine just get on with your stupid rules already before Mu chews us out for taking too long." You finally finish without letting out a stutter this time.

"Okay okay. Sheesh, I'm just messing around with ya you know." Hat Kid says her voice seemingly sounded like she was trying to contain her laughter to not provoke you any further. "But listen here though," She says looking and sounding a tad bit serious. "Since this is gonna be our first mission together it's best if we set up some rules so the mission goes well. Kappesh?" She says finishing off with a look for confirmation from you.

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