Sleep? Don't know her

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A/N- One thing Alec probably has in common with most of us viewers is a fucked up sleep schedule,based on the way he looks and the way his quirk works/the voice in his head lmao

Also,uh,I guess TW: Fainting..spell..thing? And doctor things-



"Alec! C'mon,we gonna be late to class! I will leave you here,I am not afraid!"

"Alright,alright,I'm coming.." Alec didn't know what it was- Well,he technically did,but that's not the point,he was particularly very tired today. Not that he wasn't tired 98% of the time,he just kept feeling dizzy now and then for some reason. "I swear.."

"What was that?!"

"Nothing! I-I'm coming!"

In class a little while later

Moodswing was doing her thing,just teaching,when she called someone up to the board...of course,she picks one of the people who's not raising their hand,Alec. "Hmm..Alec why don't you come up here?"

"Huh?!- O-Oh,okay.." Alex got up,only to grab his and David's desks to steady himself,and stop the world from spinning. "Dude are you good?" David whispered to him.

"I'm fine.." He whispered back. After he did what Moodswing asked he sat back down...when he was up at the board he felt dizzy again,he was worried he would pass out,but thankfully he didn't. Eventually he just decided to put his head down and steal David's notes after class,he probably was taking some even though he didn't necessarily need to.


"Alright,class dismissed!" Everyone got up and started leaving...somehow Alec hadn't fallen asleep with his head down,probably K bugging him in his head,but he got up and felt dizzy again. He tried to steady himself against the wall,but he was struggling a bit...someone was calling his name too,he couldn't tell who it was. Soon enough he felt himself start to black out...


"Alec?- Alec. Bro this ain't funny." Alec had fallen over,he let himself pass out (not that he seemed to have a choice) and David had caught him with a slight shout,grabbing the attention of Moodswing and a handful of other students. "Is something wrong David?"

"The dude just passed out!" Moodswing came over to the corner David and Alec were in,telling the other students who gathered around to step back a bit. Mario on the other hand stepped forward rather then back and checked..something. "Okay,he's still breathing and has a pulse. I think he passed out from exhaustion,I mean just look at him,"

"Alright,uhm,David I think it's best to take him to Venus,you think you could do it by yourself?" David scoffed. "Of course,I got this!" He put Alec on his back,only to find how surprisingly light he was,before going to the infirmary.

In the infirmary

"Nurse person!" David called,putting Alec down on one of the beds. "Hm? Oh my,what happened?"

"He passed out at the end of class. Some smart kid said that he thinks it's just exhaustion though." Venus went over to Alec and checked him over. "Yeah,I believe so too..what's you guys's names?"

"I'm David,David [insert his last name because I forgot],and this is Alec." Venus wrote something down. "..okay,quirks?"

"Mine's Full Metal,and his is a voice in his head,think it's called,uh,Duality or somethin' like that." More writing. "Do you know anything about his quirk specifically?"

"Well the voice,named K,comes out at night. And he's...interesting,kinda cool. In class he was asking 'bout weapons apparently,soo.." Venus did some sort of whistle and,once again,wrote something down. "That would do it..I would assume he doesn't sleep if the person in his head comes out at night. And he asked about weapons? That- Doesn't sound good." David shrugged. "Meh,whatever you say." There was a groan from Alec as he came to his senses. "...weren't we in class?" He asked as he slowly sat up. David snorted. "Yeah,we were,until you passed out!" Venus sighed. "Are you feeling alright?" Alec reluctantly nodded. "Okay,uhm,your friend here gave me a brief description on what your quirk is and how it works,but do you think you could tell me about the person in your head who he told me was named..K?" It was Alec's turn to sigh. "Uhm.." I swear if you- "Shut up K.."

"What was that? Did K say something?"


"May I ask what he said?" Alec glanced away. "You don't have to be afraid of telling me anything,we only have to deal with him at night,and the teachers slash pro heros here are perfectly capable."

"I- O-Okay.."

To be continued

A/N #2- Okay this turned out a lot longer than I intended lmao. Originally,when David took Alec to the infirmary,they (Venus) weren't going to question them about anything,and when Alec woke up they were just supposed to leave with a nurse note or something XD But,I found it: Inspiration!

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