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A/N- Absolutely no clue where this came from, I was just in the mood for angst but I don't have the heart to write about Database being dead, so instead I'm writing about his kid lmao

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"...so, yeah. That's all I have for you all today, enjoy it. Any other day I would've just given you all something to do." Database said, slowly pacing back and forth at the front of his classroom before stopping at his desk. "Any questions?" There was silence for a moment before his phone rang. He glanced at it, before mumbling, "Hold on.." and picking it up to answer. "Hello?...oh, hun, hey. Uh, I'm still at work, is something wrong-" He suddenly went pale, as if he'd just seen a ghost or was ill.

"Uhm...Mr. Database? Are you okay?" Willow asked from her seat in the front row, close enough to see Database's face change. Even then the rest of the class could also tell something was wrong.

"What happened?!...no, I know she's been sick, but I thought it was just- Okay, y'know what," He took a deep breath. "I'm on my way, give me 10 minutes." He hangs up and starts gathering his things.

"Database?" Rikku hesitantly asks.

"Okay, uh- One of you, dont really care who, go get Avian down the hall, tell him I had to leave early, alright? Behave." He walked out the classroom with his stuff, not bothering to explain, or go get Avian himself like he was technically supposed to. After a moment of silence a murmur of confusion swept across the room.

"..is anyone actually gonna go get him?" Rikku asked nervously. After a moment of nobody volunteering Shino stood.

"Uh..I guess I can go," He had considered waking up Jack next to him and making him do it but it didn't really matter.

Shino walked into Avian's room after briefly tapping on the door with his knuckle.

"Oh, hey glowstick! What's up? Wait, aren't you supposed to be in support? You're not skipping are you-"

"No, no," Shino reassured. "Database asked me to come get you to watch us."

"..what do you mean to watch you all? Why can't he?"

"He had to leave. He didn't tell us anything but he just told one of us to come get you. He also looked stressed." Avian sighed

"Alright, let's go."

• • •

"So does anyone know where Angelo went?" Avian suddenly asked. The break room had been quiet, and initially Avian didn't mind covering for Database but found it odd after thinking about it for a little. Venus glanced up from their spot on the couch.

"No..? He left?"

"Yeah, like an hour before school ended. One of his students at the time had walked into my classroom upon his request to watch them. According to him Database had just left all in a hurry."

"..huh. Yeah, he hasn't texted or called me. Ronin?" Venus asked, glancing at Ronin, who shook his head no.

"He didn't leave his class alone did he?" Kowalski asked.

"Oh no, I was covering for him for the rest of the block. Although I think they were alone for a brief amount of time, like 5 minutes at the most." Kowalski sighed.

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