Chapter Two - Handle

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She ran like hell.

In all of the chaos, it was easy to get out. Firefighters, EMTs, and police all running one way, while she was dead-sprinting through the rain in the other direction, just looking like another person running from the chaos. The ground aided her escape, responding to her bare feet like she was on a treadmill as she bolted as far away from that cursed place as she could run. Even when exhaustion overtook her and she collapsed, the ground kept her moving, propping her upright and propelling her through the farmlands. 

It took two hours before she realized that there was nobody chasing her, and another hour for her to see any kind of civilization. She dug her foot into the dirt, willing it to stop.

The earth kept moving her. She furrowed her brow, growing frustrated.

"Dammit, stop!"

The ground below her came to a screeching halt. She jerked, falling forward onto her face. 

The woman groaned into the dirt. She rolled over, eyes flicking upwards to the rain that was still pelleting the ground.

What is this, a fucking hurricane?

She sat up, dirty black curls falling around her shoulders. For the first time, she began to wonder what the fuck had happened. 

Shakily, she rose to her feet and started to walk. A few hundred feet away sat a lone house, a tornado flag blowing in the wind. She stumbled towards it and flicked her wrist at the front door.

It slammed open. She rubbed her eyes as she entered, and vaguely, she registered someone inside shouting.

"Who are you?! Get out, I'm calling the-"

"Shh," She whispered, flicking a finger at them. As the wind left their lungs, the person went silent. 

When she was done rubbing her eyes, she looked over at the person- a stout middle-aged woman holding a cowering young girl. Not letting her emotions get to her, she flexed her hand, and mounds of solid rock shot up through the foundation of the house, forming restraints for the duo. The door slammed shut behind her. She scanned the room- no phone in sight. 

She let them have their voices back.

"What is this?!" The woman was sobbing. "My husband will be home any minute, and when he gets his hands on you, he's going to-"

"What?" She frowned, her face otherwise flat. "He's gonna what, lady?"

The terrified woman went silent. 

"Please don't hurt us. Don't hurt my daughter."

Shaking the mud off her feet, she waved her off. "I'm not gonna hurt anyone unless I have to. I just need a shower, some clothes maybe, cash, some aspirin-" Her stomach growled loudly. "God, and some food."

Flicking her wrist, the cupboards in the home flew open. She wandered over, snatching a bag of tortilla chips from the pantry.

The captive woman looked around, bewildered.

"Who- please, who are you?"

She looked up, and seemed to ponder the question for a moment.

"How about this. You get an answer to this question, and then you answer all of mine. Deal?"

Hesitantly, the captive nodded. The intruder, still clad in the mud-soaked hospital gown, perched on the kitchen counter, munching at her tortilla chips.

"I'm August."

The woman opened her mouth again. August held up a finger, and she shut it quickly.

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