Chapter Ten - Raft

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"You're cheating." August narrowed her eyes at her opponent, a stray black curl falling out of her sloppy ponytail and into her face. "Yeah, you're totally cheating."

The vaguely humanoid shape looked back at her. Well, not really looked- it did not have any eyes, so it could not really look at anything. More like faced her? It did not have a face, either.

It threw another card down. She threw her hands up.

"I don't know how you're doing that, but you're totally cheating!" She yelped. "That shouldn't even be possible. You don't even have a brain."

Her opponent, which was really just a mass of swirling air that she had molded to be shaped like a human, seemed almost offended by this. She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Sorry. Go fish."

"Six months in and you're already going insane, aye August?"

August looked to her left, where she could clearly see Riley through the thick holographic wall that separated them. The ex-graduate student was sitting on the floor of her cell, munching away at todays chow.

"Get in a car accident, Riley."

"Y'know I'll get right on that. Except I can't, because you got us thrown in an underwater prison."

August rolled her eyes. She flicked her fingers and her wind-man melted away.

"I wouldn't have had to try and escape if you weren't trying to double-cross me."

Riley looked over at her. August stood up and moved to her bunk, perching on the end of it. She rolled a tiny glob of fire between her fingers.

"My parents weren't going to shell out for my grad school anymore and I needed the money. You were a first-class ticket to get out of my parents financial grasp. So I tried to sell you to Soviet scientists, get over it."

"Aw! Poor little rich girl. I'm so sorry things have been just so, so hard for you," August pouted, the fire growing bigger in her palm. She tossed it back in forth from hand to hand like a baseball. "It's just so hard having billionaire Wall-Street parents, you deserved financial independence so you just had to sell me on the black market. That's not entitled and bratty at all."

"I figured you'd escape!" Riley gave her a nasty look, setting her tray down beside her. "It would have been a win-win."

August drew her arm back and threw the fireball at Riley. It hit the holographic wall and harmlessly fizzled into ash, but not before Riley flinched.

"Riley, you fucking suck."

"You two bickering again?" August looked up. One of the armed guards was standing in front of her room, helmet obscuring his face as it always did. She knew that he was one of the regulars because of his distinct, annoying, nasally voice. "Sheesh, just kiss and make up already."

August narrowed her eyes. "You fucking suck, too."

He waved her off, readjusting his AK in his arms.

"You've got a visitor, old lady. Shackle up so I can get you over to transport."

"Your throuple again?" Riley looked over at her. "They haven't been by in a few weeks. Trouble in paradise?"

"Please," August snorted, sliding off her bed. She stepped over to her intake spot and slid her feet into the iron cuffs that reached up to her knees. "Natasha is so out of my league. And Steve wishes."

She shoved her arms into the cuffs, wincing as they snapped together and bound her arms. With the added weight, walking felt clunky and uncomfortable.

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