Chapter Twenty Nine - I Am

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The first thing August noticed when she opened her eyes was how badly she had to throw up.

She rolled to the side, emptying her guts onto the grass below her. Wanda rushed to her assistance, patting her back.

"Ugh," August wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "What the hell..."

She sat up, looking around the field. Disoriented soldiers were standing up, shaking off stiff bones. Not an enemy in sight.

"Did we...did we do it?" She blinked hard, her vision bleary. "We killed Thanos? God, my head."

"On your feet," Wanda gently pulled her up. "Something is wrong here."

"Cap?" A familiar voice called. "Steve?! St- August!"

August looked over just as Sam landed next to her. He took her by the shoulders, eyes wide.

"What the hell, where's Cap?"

"I don't know, I must have blacked out." She looked around, noting the confusion in Wandas eyes. "I think we all did. Thanos must have done something to knock us out."

Tentatively, she put two fingers against her ear piece.

"Steve, you read me?"

On the other end, static.

"Steve, it's August." She tapped the thing. "Steve, you hear me?"

Next to them, a swirling hole materialized seemingly out of thin air. No, not a hole- a portal.

On the other side was a purple, hellish landscape.

And Steve's back.

Sharing a look with Wanda, she accepted the witch-womans extended hand, intertwining their fingers. Sam's wings extended and he blew through the portal, followed closely by Wanda and August.

The two women quietly stepped onto the battlefield.

What the hell happened?

She quickly noticed that dozens of portals were opening around them. King T'Challa and his soldiers, a group of aliens joined by Spider-Man, a lady atop a pegasus with her own army, dozens of ships. A floating man was opening the portals, along with-

My fucking god, is that Riley Hearst? Nope, no, not now. Filing away that mind-fuck for later.

T'Challa began chanting in Xhosa. In response, Augusts arms lit up, fire crackling all the way up to her shoulders.

Behind them, giant-Scott rose out of the rubble of the crushed compound. He opened his fist, and out hopped the Hulk, the little raccoon, Rhodes, and-

Okay, something was way off.

"Is that your husband?" Wanda murmured to her, hands still glowing red, poised for battle.

"I think so?" August hissed back. "I don't know, I don't think I've ever seen that much of his face."

"Not a bad face."

"Yeah." August grinned, her arms still flaming. "That's my baby."

"Avengers," Steve called out. August snapped to attention, along with the thousands of others there. "Assemble."

The war-cry that followed chilled her very bones.

August sprinted into the fray, stepping up and soaring over the masses on the wind. Her connection to the elements was impossibly strong- almost, as if, they had missed her.

The two armies met with a clash. August shot down streams of fire and rock at the aliens below her, fire flooding out of her very being.

She came to a landing on her husbands six, near to the raccoon who was shooting at the aliens. She knocked a row of aliens out of the way, and in the clear moment, turned to grin at him.

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