Chapter Twenty Three - This Close

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August lurched, the contents of this mornings' breakfast spilling out of her mouth and into the toilet bowl, making a horrendous sound as it exited her body.

She coughed, spitting a wad of vomit into the bowl as her wave of nausea fell.

"Aug, you're burning up." Bucky tenderly kissed her bare shoulder, his only hand holding her hair up and out of her face. "Do you need anything? Water, something to eat, maybe?"

"Please," August gagged, pulling a face. "Do not mention food right now."

Another round of puke left her system, August holding the toilet bowl for dear life as she emptied her guts. When she finished, she gave Bucky a look, noticing the concerned glint in his eye.

"I just caught something from that fish."

"The one we ate three days ago?" Bucky frowned. "Guess I won't be fishing in the west river anymore. Clearly that spots bad news. I'll let T'Challa know."

"Yeah, well," August wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, flushing the toilet with her other one. "Anume should be by any minute with antibiotics or something. On the off chance it isn't food poisoning, I'd hate to get you sick."

"Mmm," Bucky mused, helping her to her feet. She splashed water on her face from the sink, gargling some to get the taste out of her mouth. "T'Challa mentioned that he was coming by today too. Wouldn't say what for. Don't worry about that though, dearest. You just focus on feeling better."

"No," August shook her head. "Even if I feel like shit, he's the king, I'll suck it up."

There was a knock at the front door. Bucky left her side, leaving August to freshen up in the bathroom.

After brushing her teeth, she stared at herself in the mirror, hands gripping the sink. She tried to muster a bold face- pretending she did not feel like she was literally dying.

There was a gentle knock at the door. She turned, pulling it open, relaxing when she saw Anume.

"Oh, dear," Anume sighed, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind her. "You look like hell."

"I thought you were supposed to be the nice one?" August mused, summoning a weak smile as she pulled her friend in for a hug. "Way to kick a girl while she's down. Did you bring it?"

Anume held up a little baggie, an excited smile on her face.

"Do you really think you're-"

"Nauseous, sore all over, tired all the time? I'm fifty-one, An. Not stupid."

She fished through the boxes of cough drops and cold medicines, finally pulling out the tiny pink tube. Setting the box down on the counter, she pulled down her shorts, squatting over the toilet.

"So," Anume leaned against the counter. "I cannot figure out how you're feeling about this. Are you excited? Scared?"

"Shocked, mostly." August muttered. "Not going to let my brain go crazy until I get an answer, but I haven't even...I really haven't thought about it, you know? I mean, it crossed my mind once right before the wedding, but I didn't even think it would be possible. I mean, my uterus is half a century old, and I had my DNA fucked with back in the 70's. On top of that, Bucky is over a hundred, and has also had all kinds of genetic modifications made. Scientifically, it shouldn't be possible."

"Well, yes," Anume mused. "But assuming the genetic modifications were intended for preservation, that still makes you, what, twenty-six? And him thirty? All of the unprotected sex, you should have considered the possibility."

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