Chapter Thirteen - Catch a Flight

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"What do you think they're talking about?"

"Pretty people stuff, probably."

Sam chuckled. August nodded sternly, continuing her shpeel.

"Yeah, definitely. He's all," She dropped her voice a few octaves. "I'm so broad and good-looking. Women love me, men fear me."

At that, Sam wheezed. He sniffed, straightening up.

"And she's all, I'm mysterious and sexy, with an air of intelligence. Don't my eyes just sparkle in this morning sunlight? Oh, Steve."

His high-pitched intimation of Sharon's voice made August belly-laugh for the first time in a long, long time. This caused Sam to break down laughing, and the two of them spent a solid minute staring at Steve and Sharon, giggling like school kids.

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky interrupted them.

Sam's giggling abruptly stopped. His face turned into a dead-pan, staring forwards.


She shared an uncomfortable glance with Bucky and quietly shuffled to the side to let him have the middle seat. He awkwardly slid over, the leather creaking.

August stuffed her face in her shirt to stifle her laughter. She finally calmed down, wiping her face.

Sam lurched in his seat and started slapping her knee to get her attention.

"Ope, they're kissing, they're kissing! Yes man, get in there!"

August shot forward, practically sitting on Bucky's lap, and stared, her mouth agape.

"Atta boy!" She nodded. Next to her, even Bucky cracked a smile.

Steve broke his liplock with Sharon and looked back at the three of them, his smile melting when he saw the trio nodding in approval. He shot them a look, striding back to the car with the  bag slung over his shoulder.

When he slid into the drivers seat, the three were still giving him a respectful nod. He rolled his eyes, throwing the bag into Augusts waiting arms.

The drive to the airport was short and simple, and August sifted through the bag as they rode in silence. At the bottom, she found a familiar white fabric.

As they pulled into the airport, she stared at the back of Steve's head gratefully.

They parked next to a white van, Steve and Sam stepping out first. Steve lowered his seat so that she could get out, whereas Sam simply got up and slammed the door behind him.

August shared a look with Bucky, raising her eyebrows.

"You try to kill him, too?"

Bucky gave her a knowing look. She stepped out of the car, moving so that he would have easier access to get out.

"...get off my ass." A beautiful young woman with long brown hair looked past Steve's shoulder at where Bucky and August had climbed out of the car. "Who's the girl?"

August looked between the woman and the black-clad man standing beside her.

"I'm August." She introduced herself, bowing her head.

"Clint," The man gave her a nod. "This is Wanda. You're that girl from the news, right? The one who can set stuff on fire? Riot, they called you."

Her eyebrows shot up.

Cool. I have a super-name now.

"Amongst other things, yeah. I set stuff on fire."

Steve turned back to Clint.

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