Chapter Twenty Five - The Battle of Wakanda

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The army whipped over the Wakandan country side, Sam and Rhodes flying overhead, Banner bounding along next to them in a massive suit.

"How we looking, Bruce?" Natasha asked over the earpiece.

"Yeah," The doctors voice crackled. "I think I'm getting the hang of it! Wow, this is amazing, man! It's like being the Hulk without actually-"

He tripped on a large rock, sending him face-down into the dirt. As they whipped by, she caught Okoye giving him the stink-eye. His voice crackled back to life as he rose out of the dirt.

"I'm okay, I'm okay."

"I've got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line." Rhodes voice sounded. The ships came to a rest, letting the soldiers off. They ran into formations, August taking her spot between Bucky and Sam as Natasha, Steve, and T'Challa edged towards the border to speak with the intruders, a massive grey-skinned man wielding an axe and a stern woman with horns.

August watched nervously as the alien woman that they were speaking to thrust her sword into the air. Behind them, the ships began to open, and Augusts breath caught in her throat.

Thousands of dog-like alien creatures burst out of the ships, sprinting towards the border. As Steve came to rejoin them, she eyed him nervously.

"They surrender?"

His jaw locked.

"Not exactly."

T'Challa began chanting in Xhosa, the Wakandans chanting back in response. The creatures began flinging themselves at the border, killing themselves as they tried to break through.

"What the hell..." Bucky trailed off, reaching for Augusts hand for reassurance. She gave him a squeeze.

"Looks like they pissed her off."

Slowly, some of the creatures began to break through. Those with guns began shooting at them from a distance, sniping the creatures. August watched, feeling helpless as Sam and Rhodes began dropping bombs on the things from above.

An idea struck her. Horrified, she turned to Steve with wide eyes.

"Steve, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us...there's nothing between them and Vision."

Steve eyed her apprehensively, nodding.

"Then we keep them in front of us."

"How do we do that?" Okoye murmured. T'Challa turned to her. After a moment, he spoke.

"We open the barrier." He raised a finger to his ear piece. "On my signal, open North-West section 17....On my signal."

August turned back, finding comfort in feeling Bucky beside her. He hoisted his gun. August shifted her feet, the earth beginning to rumble and groan beneath them. T'Challa made his way in front of the army, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Wakanda forever!"

All at once, they began to move. August lurched off the ground and into the air, the wind pulling her forward as she soared over the heads of her comrades. She was glad, then, that Bucky had thought of tucking her braid.

A ten-foot-long portion of the barrier slid open. The creatures began pouring in by the thousands.

Shooting ahead over the soldiers, she began blasting the creatures with waves of fire from both hands, etching burn lines into the dirt below her as she incinerated them into ash. Her entire body lit up and she dropped out of the sky, landing on the harsh earth below her with an explosion that blasted every creature around her. Using her hands to continue throwing the fire, she lobbed boulders and giant mounds of earth at them with her feet.

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