Chapter Thirty - Pink

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"August," Carol sighed across from her, sipping her tea. "It's been months."

"And?" August frowned. "I haven't seen you in three decades. I think I want to be selfish today."

"I'll come visit," Carol laughed, shifting her weight in the coushy chair as the two women sat on August's front porch. On the front lawn, Bucky was hard at work hammering away at the new doghouse he was building. "Now that I know that you're alive, of course I'm going to come back. What's saving the galaxy if I can't call on my best friend every now and then?"

August shook her head, reaching onto the table and grabbing the plate of pastries. 

"These people, man," She shook her head as she munched on a pastry. "I'm lucky I found Buck. These twenty-first-century motherfuckers stress me out."

"Yeah? Why do you think I'm choosing to go bounce around the galaxy then?" Carol's eyes flickered down, eyeing Augusts' plate of pastries. "That comfortable?"

August looked down, shrugging. She had balanced the plate on her massive belly, using it as a pseudo-table. 

"Yeah, it's like having a third arm. I can hold a whole broom between this thing and my boobs."

"Yeah? Bucky get his arm stuck in there yet?"

"Took so much vaseline to get that thing out, man."

The two women were silent for a moment, and then wheezed in laughter. Carol sighed, standing up and brushing the pastry crumbs from her suit.

"You gonna keep an eye on my niece for me?" She asked, turning back to August as she stepped down off of the porch. "I can tell she's gonna be trouble."

"Nah," August poked her large, pregnant belly. "She's gonna take after her daddy. Strong and silent type, you know? Besides, with the whole blip thing, she's probably gonna come out of there like, five years old. Ready to ride a bike and stuff, you know?"

Carol laughed, waving her off. The Barnes' family dog, a massive brown mastiff, came jogging up to the woman, sniffing at her suit. 

"Hey, hey," August whistled at the dog. "Piglet, get over here. I don't need you getting air-fried by her blastoff."

The dog jotted up the steps, panting, and laid down at her feet. August reached down, scratching his ears. With a final wave, Carol blasted off into the winter sky.

August watched her retreating frame until she was just a dot on the horizon. She looked over as her husband approached.

"Yep," He nodded, kneeling down to scratch Piglets ears. "I am never going to get over the fact that there are people who can do that."

"Says the man with a metal arm." August raised an eyebrow. Bucky gave her a warm smile.

"To his wife, who can control the elements."

He helped her out of the chair, balancing her on her feet before she waddled into the house.

"I've been...thinking."

"Yeah?" Bucky followed her inside. "Care to indulge?"

"About the whole power thing." She waddled over to the fridge, pulling it open and grabbing a water bottle. "Shuri mentioned these things called stem cells? Said she might be able to manipulate them to make me...normal, again. Get rid of all of this."

She waved her hands, a gust of wind blowing through the kitchen. Bucky sank onto the stool at the counter, adjacent to the wooden high-chair he had built not too long ago.

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