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Sakura killed herself 28 times. Well...that may have been a bit of a stretch, but she still felt like shit.

It was so mentally draining, and with each new death came more pain. Broken bones,slit throat, poison anything she could get her hands on. It was pathetic, and she could just barely stand on her own two feet.

     "Why are you doing this to me, universe?" she screamed at the top of her lungs when she woke up.

"Sakura! are you excited to be a chunin?!" Mebuki asked, placing a plate of pancakes on the table. Sakura stared at the freshly baked breakfast. "I fucking hate living," Sakura said, randomly staring into her mother's orbs in anger.

     "No cursing, Sakura! What has gotten into you?" Mebuki asked in desperation. "This whole morning, you've been in your room, and now you're disrespectful?" Sakura shook her head gripping her pink hair pulling a chunk of it out.

     "Oh, please shut up," Sakura groaned , getting up from her bed to walk out the door only for her arm to be gripped. "You sit back down!" Her mother said, narrowing her eyes only for Sakura to snatch her arm away.

     "You're not my real mom; if I get rid of you, it's just gonna be another one waiting for me in the morning!" She screeched, pushing her mother away from her.

     Mebuki looked at Sakura in concern "you're worrying me. Maybe we should go to the hospital?" Mebuki suggested approaching Sakura to touch her head, only for her hand to be pinned into the kitchen table by a kunai.

     "Sakura, how—why did you just do that?!" Her mother screamed in pain, gripping her bleeding hand and backing away from the violent pinkette. Sakura narrowed her sleep-deprived eyes "you're causing this, I bet," she said, nodding at her discovery. Taking steps towards her terrified mother, "I just have to get rid of you, and I'll be free."


Blood covered Sakura head to toe. Taking a napkin, Sakura wiped the blood away from her face and picked up the pancakes her mother made her with a smile. 'I wonder what happened to inner?' Sakura thought, spreading syrup on her pancakes.

"I'm finally free," she whispered, walking over the body of her dismembered mother's body. Excitement took over for the day to come hoping the time loop finally ceased.

"Hey, sweaty, it's time to wake up! I made you pancakes!"

'Oh fuck me.'


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