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I've had so many requests to continue this story, so here we are!!! This will most likely end up being longer because I love this story and have so many ideas for it!

This series has officially been created into its own book called "Thank U"


Chaos was the only word Seonghwa could use to explain the past 2 hours.

Jongho had successfully driven them to the nearest local hospital in which Hongjoong was immediately rushed into because he was losing way more blood then they had expected. San's fever had also begun to raise which concerned the three officers.

With the small male in his arms and his son placed against his chest, Seonghwa carried the duo into the lobby of the ER where they were met with a team of nurses, Yunho and Yeosang having called ahead of time to inform them of their arrival. Mingi followed closely behind him with San's lethargic body curled against his chest, the boy's head placed snuggly underneath his chin.  He and San were quickly guided to a room by a nurse.

Seonghwa placed Hongjoong softly against the mattress of the gurney the nurses had brought with them before gently trying to pry the tiny newborn out of his arms. He was instantly met with resistance as the younger tightened his hold around his son, refusing to let him go.

Seonghwa could see the visible distress on the male's face as multiple nurses swarmed around him, asking he hand over Wooyoung while they attempted to look over his condition.

Of course this lead to a full blown meltdown as everything became too much for the male as he began screaming and crying, refusing to let any of the nurses touch him or his son.

His cries alerted the attention of a near by doctor we quickly came to assist, although all he ended up with was a hard kick to the crotch from the boy for getting to close and a bruised ego as the pain brought him to his knees.

He honestly kind of deserved it

Knowing that Hongjoong needed desperate medical attention as he could see red staining the sheets underneath him, Seonghwa made his way over to the boy and kneeled down besides the gurney that held him, so he could be at his level. The nurses slowly dispersed as he approached the sobbing male, watching with cautious eyes.

Hongjoong immediately turned his head towards him, brown eyes red and puffy as large tears ran down his flushed cheeks. His skin was pale from the loss of blood and he was shaking. He had Wooyoung pressed tightly against his chest, practically hidden from view as his arms engulfed his tiny body.

Reaching a hand up, Seonghwa gently brushed away hot tears with his thumb, eyes warm as he gazed at the younger.

"Hey...what's wrong?"

He whispered softly, voice low as he tried soothing the clearly upset male.

Hongjoong hiccuped slightly, eyes going wide as a stared at the officer, his arms tightening around Wooyoung.

"I don't want them to take him away."

He murmured quietly, angling his head down as he buried his nose into the thick strands of dark hair that laid across his son's head, inhaling his fresh newborn scent deeply.

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