WOOSAN (100k Special)

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"Love is Pain"

By Yeo_Mama


The unanticipated remake of an old Woosan vampire story.

Italics=Spoken Telepathically

Since Seonghwa sired San and Yeosang, they are all connected and communicate nonverbally through touch. Wooyoung and Hongjoong are able to do this as well as they are bonded to San and Seonghwa.

All the vampires have special abilities~
Seonghwa: Pathokinesis
Yeosang: Soothsayer
San: Telepathy

Other creatures include~
Hongjoong: Imp
Yunho: Werewolf
Mingi: Werewolf
Wooyoung: Fairy
Jongho: Siren

Please enjoy!

*TW: Mentions of blood and vomit*



San whispered, rubbing softly at his fairy's arm to gain his attention; voice raspy from disuse.

He had just surfaced from a restless nap, body drained of energy as he laid with his mate in their bedroom. The pixie was currently going through the throes of his very first delivery, seemingly ten hours into labor with no end in sight; much to his displeasure. Unsurprisingly though, the young vampire had been with him through it all. From the first contraction, to their current predicament, San had stuck to his side like glue, never straying too far from the younger; always in his sight.

While his dedication was unmatched, the effects of his unwavering loyalty did have it's looming consequences in the end. Years of experience taught him to ignore it, but the pins and needles in his throat were steadily becoming too painful to go unnoticed. It had been nearly a day since the last time he had ate, Wooyoung's contractions starting up a little before six am, turning feeding into the least of his concerns.

By the time everyone else in the house woke up and breakfast rolled around, the pixie's pain was already reaching a level that was bothersome, hindering the vampire from leaving his side. From then on he proceeded to skip lunch and was now surviving off the remaining remnants of yesterday's dinner, the burning in his esophagus only growing by the second; but he was too stubborn to leave his mate's side to feed. Let alone the sheer fatigue from not eating in the past twenty-four hours kept him cooped up in bed all day with his laboring pixie, physically too weak to extract himself from the warm sheets.

He looked unwell, and he knew it. His scarlet eyes had grown dark, shifting to a deep burgundy that neared on black; both laden with heavy bags. His structured cheeks had grown gaunt, the sharp indent underneath his cheekbone sinking in deeper than usual, giving him the appearance of a skeleton as his ashy skin was pulled tightly against his skull. His complexion had gone gray, only the smallest bit of warmth still left in his nose and lips, providing him with some sort of color.

His sire had screamed when he finally surfaced from his bedroom, San leaving to fetch his mate a snack from the kitchen. Red tears streamed down the blonde's cheek as he rushed to cup his fledgling's face, utterly shocked by the state he was in. The young vampire had merely brushed him off, grabbing Wooyoung what he wanted before he confined himself back to bed with the hurting fae. His pixie was going through much worse right now. His own problems could wait.

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