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Here is part 2!!! Things are finally starting to pick up in order for us to reach the climax in chapter 3!!!

Requested by hwawqrld


Seonghwa and Wooyoung arrived at their high school with five minutes to spare, breathing heavily as they raced down the hall towards the older's locker where their friends usual met up.

Yunho's tall frame leaned casually against the red metal as San stood before him, deep dimples on full display as he laughed loudly at something the older said.

Wooyoung took this opportunity to catapult himself at his boyfriend, screeching loudly as he spotted him down the hall before taking a running start and launching himself into the pink haired male's arms.

San, thank god for his fast reflexes, successfully caught the hyper teen, hugging him tightly as Wooyoung hung from him koala-style.

Seonghwa could only huff affectionately at the chaotic interaction, calmly making his way down the hall as he followed behind his Howler monkey of a best friend. Picking up his discarded backpack like the good mom he is as the teen had thrown it to the floor in his haste to reach his boyfriend.

He could see Yunho's smile grow the closer he approached, quickly becoming blinding as Seonghwa joined their little friend group, gracefully throwing his and Wooyoung's bags to the floor.

"Hey Hw-Oh!"

Yunho cut himself off in surprise as the older suddenly wrapped himself around the taller, happily nuzzling his face into the warm skin of his neck like a content house cat.

The teen's hands hovered over his back in shock for a second before finally responding to the gesture, squeezing his Hyung into a tight bear hug.

"Someone's clingy today. Don't you think Hongjoong will get jealous?"

He teased as he placed his cheek against the sliver locks of his best friend, humming contently as he swayed them back and forth in his hold.

Seonghwa slapped him playfully against the chest at that, his head finally resurfacing from where it was trying to bury itself into the fabric of the younger's collar, his hair and glasses askew.

"But you're so warm, like my own personal heater."

The warmth radiating off the taller soothingly seeped into the sore muscles of the older, slowly dulling the progressively worsening ache that seemed to run through his entire body.

"Plus, it's not Joong you need to worry about getting jealous. It's more like that 6 ft princess you seem to have fallen for."

Yunho's breath hitched at that, eliciting a slight smirk from his Hyung.

"By the way, where is your dear Mingi? Didn't you walk with him today?"

Seonghwa looked around, purposefully ignoring the blush on the younger's face as he searched for the brown haired boy, noting that half of their friend group was actually missing.

"He had to go talk to his swim coach about their meet later today.  Yeosang tagged along with him because he wanted to see Jongho after his early morning football practice-"

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