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"Precious Moments"

A story by Yeo_Mama


June 15th. 3:45 am


It's nearing four am when the front door of their home suddenly opens up, the dark silhouettes of Hongjoong and Seonghwa spilling out onto the concrete landing; the small outdoor light casting their shadows across the stone steps and paved driveway in front of them. 

It's humid outside, the muggy June air relentless even in the dead of night; crickets and cicadas chirping loudly in the distance. Hongjoong could already feel the back of his shirt start to stick to his skin, his spouse fairing no better as the male groaned at the intense humidity; his weight pressed heavily against his side. 

The small brunette helped aid him down the front steps, a hand secured around his husband's waist as they descended down each ledge slowly; carefully.  Seonghwa's hands were cradled protectively underneath the heavy swell of his middle as he walked, little puffs of air rushing past his lips.  Making it down safely, Hongjoong gently guided the both of them towards the small pickup parked a few feet away from their front door, phone flashlight in hand as they walked; shoes shuffling across the concrete. The Jeongs got the duplex's garage this week, but it didn't matter as it made the couple's journey to their shared vehicle quicker, especially with Seonghwa's current state.

Although it still takes them longer than usual to reach the white exterior of his truck. He didn't mind though as the male in his hold stills, panting softly as one of his hands reached out for his own; squeezing tightly.  Reassuring the other gently, he rubs his thumb over the male's knuckles as he waits for him to relax, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek when Seonghwa's breath finally evens out.  Resuming their journey, they continue to amble their way towards the vehicle, stopping every so often when the older need be, even if the truck wasn't that far.

They eventually reach the passenger's side, Hongjoong hastily opening the door as he helps aid his husband inside, dropping the bag slung over his shoulder down by the male's feet.  Making sure Seonghwa was settled and as comfortable as physically possible, he closes the door, quickly rushing around the front as he opens the driver's side; plopping himself down inside and starting the ignition with practiced ease. 

The truck ignites to life with a quiet rumble, the sound familiar to the sets of ears currently sat within its cab; comforting even as the engine's purr seemed to soothe the nervous energy darting between its two occupants.  Hongjoong flicks on the headlights after securing his seatbelt, flooding their driveway in a wash of pale yellow light. 

Making sure everything was where it should be, double checking the car seat he had installed a few weeks ago, he threw a quick glance towards the male sitting next to him.  His husband's head was lolled back against the headrest, eyes closed as a hand soothed over his distended middle; breath shaky.

"Hey...Look at me."

Dark eyes immediately focus on him, heavily dilated pupils melting into the rich color from the lack of light within the cab.  His husband's gaze shimmered with unshed tears, pooling brightly along his waterline as the corners of his lips turned up into a watery smile; breath stuttering.  His closely knitted facade quickly faltered though as a barely stifled sob keened in the back of his throat, face breaking for a moment as a couple tears fell down his cheeks before he fixed his expression once again.

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