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It was currently 7 in the morning on a Wednesday, and Hongjoong couldn't sleep.

The male had woken at around 6 due to his son deciding it was the perfect time to play soccer with his bladder.

After using the bathroom (over 50 times if Hongjoong said so himself), he found himself not being able to go back to sleep.

His son finally settled down, yet he couldn't! Are you kidding me!

Defeated, Hongjoong decided to make himself useful. Hand underneath his 8 month bump, he waddled to the kitchen.

Today was one of the rare days where his members didn't have a schedule, (him being excused because he was close to his due date) so he decided to make breakfast for them.

Mulling around the kitchen, the pregnant male started up the coffee machine as he waited for the stove to heat up.

Reaching up in one of the cabinets for mugs, Hongjoong was suddenly seized with a cramp.

Bracing his hands on the counter, he slowly swayed his hips back and forth while he waited for the pain to subsided.

Did he forget to mention he was in labor...

Ever since he woke up to his son's kicking, he had been experiencing small cramps here and there.

Not expecting anything, he brushed them away...until they kept coming.

He should have expected this. The doctor specifically told him he had a high chance of early labor due to his small frame and the fact that this was his first child.

Ignoring the panic rushing through his veins, the male pushed through the pains.

Should he have told Seonghwa, probably, but the Alpha hadn't had a day off in months, so he couldn't bear to wake him.

Coming back to the present, Hongjoong pushed himself off the counter once the pain was gone, going back to making breakfast.

His hand wrapped around his bump, slowly stroking his clothed belly.

"Have you finally decided to make your grand debut." Giggled the Omega as a soft jab was delivered to his hand.

"I'll take that as a yes." He hummed, continuing to rub his large bump...

This was how Seonghwa found him.

Groggily turning over, the Alpha realized his mate was no longer in bed.

Still dazed with sleep, he quickly got out of bed in hope of finding his missing mate.

He didn't have to look far.

The tall-tale sound of sizzling reached his ears, alerting him that he was in the kitchen.

Legs numb with sleep, he dragged himself towards the kitchen.

Upon entering, he was greeted with the cutest sight he had ever seen.

There, spatula in hand was his wonderful mate.

Body clad in one of Seonghwa's hoodies, the small male swayed back and forth to a tune he sung under his breath, hand cradling his bump.

Unable to resist himself, Seonghwa walks towards his mate, circling his arms around his waist.

Hongjoong's small gasp breaks the peaceful silence surrounding them.

"Good morning beautiful," Seonghwa whispers in his mate's ear, nuzzling his neck.

A purr rumbles in Hongjoong's throat.

"Don't scare me like that!" he huffs, feigning anger, struggling to keep a smile off his face.

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