[Ep. 22] The Day Before...

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Widelia's POV

"So lets practice?" I said.

"Its missing one word." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Can we practice now, oppa?" I fakely smile.

"That's better." He smiled.

"Hey, somehow do you know how to play other instruments besides piano?" He asked suddenly.

"Guitar. But a little bit."

"Want me to teach you?" He said.


He come towards me and sit behind me and his arms sliding to me so both of us holds the guitar. It gives me nerve.

"Wild Heart by The Vamps. But we change the tone to soft and smooth." There he goes again, playing with his sexy voice.

'Oh, heart. Please stop beating'

The rythm begin. He started to sing while our fingers twinted together playing the guitar.

I was walking away,
But she's so beautiful, it makes me stay.
I don't know her name
But I'm hoping she feel the same.
Here I go again,
She got my heart again!

Tonight we'll dance
I'll be yours and you'll be mine
We won't look back
Take my hand and we will shine.

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart
I got a wild heart
Stay here, my dear
Feels like I'm been standing right here for years.

My mind's beat up
Tell me that you feel this and I won't give up
I won't give up...

Don't ask what I feel when he's singing. Its totally breathless. I have to stop this before I die cause lack of oxygen.

I quickly standing. At first he look taken aback then he smile. Not actually smile but its smirk.

"We need to go to toilet. Err... I mean, class. Yes, we need to go to class." What a lame reason, Wid. He nod.

I think I just got a heart cancer.


Inna's POV


"Ergh.. What? My ears hurt because of your screaming." He said with annoying tone.

"I have a cheerleading contest. The day is this Sunday. Can you come?"

"What? I've already promised to Ara to study together." He said.

"Is that so? Ok. Nevermind."

"Hi, Inna. Want to join us?" Ara suddenly come out from nowhere.

"Nevermind. I'll go first." I said.

"Ok. Bye, Inna." J-Hope said.

'Don't look back. It will hurt you'

I don't listen to my heart but I listen to my mind. I look back and yeah, I'm hurt. They really look good together.

'If only I was Ara...'


No One's POV

"Leeza, did it hurt?" Jin asked.

"Jin, calm down. It just a small bruises. She will be fine." Shazlyn shook her head to the overprotective Jin.

"I'm worried about her." Jin said.

"Jin, I'm fine." Leeza said while smiling.

"Hmm... triangle." Rapmon said when he look at three of them.



"I know what you mean, babe." Hana wink.

The three of them don't understand what RapMon and Hana means by that and they just shrugged.


Suga's POV

"Suga! Stop playing with your phone!"

"Hanie. I'm replying Mira's text." I said.

"Ok then, don't bother to talk with me." She's angry. That's mean my plan with Mira is work.

When I pass the corridor, I saw Mark is flirting with Dina. I saw Jungkook holding his fist, I know he's jealous.

Jungkook's POV

When I want to go to my locker, I saw something that makes me jealous.

Mark. Flirting. With. Dina.

I saw Dina is happy when Mark's besides her. I hold my fist so that I can control myself.

'Why Dina don't smile like that if she with me? This feeling... is hurting me'

Tomorrow is going to be best day ever? Or full of drama?

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